
Showing posts from December, 2004

Enter The Poet - Closing The Year

Today is the last day before the New Year We will celebrate it with friends and good cheer Tomorrow will come and pass We know good times never last And our resolutions will be made deliberately unclear

Enter The Poet - From Backstage

Before I found blogging I had many ideas and no where to express them. Now that I've found blogging I have many ideas and no one to read them!

Enter The Poet - In Confusion

You touched, you comforted, you loved, but you admitted nothing; then condemned because I did not know! Maybe I should have gotten the point?

Enter The Poet - With A Degree

In our hour of sadness we learn our inner heart. In learning our true selves, true answers can be found; but they must be sought!

Enter The Poet - With A Penny

Some days my thoughts can be so serious, so compassionate, so deep; and then I think, get a life!

Enter The Poet - With A Glow

If a person who loves cannot allow himself expression, then all hope is lost, in the silence!

Enter The Poet - Wearing Red

It's Christmastime in the city House are decorated quite pretty It seems that love abounds Hope has erased some frowns It'll be gone the 26th, what a pity

Enter The Poet - In A Red Car

Today's post has been cancelled, due to the lack of inspiration. (Translation: No one did anything stupid in front of me yet.)

Enter The Poet - Thru Snow

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and walks like a duck, then it's probably a very good imitation of a duck.

Enter The Poet - In A Jeep

I am just part of the 10 percent which is in charge of keeping the world out of trouble and part of the 90 percent which gets into trouble in the first place.

Enter The Poet - On A Horse

I woke up this morning looked out of the window into a big beautiful blue sky with puffs of white clouds, the golden Sun rising over the horizon, and I thought to myself, Morning Traffic suxs!

Enter The Poet - Midst Rain

I looked back at my life and it was a long trail of pain and regrets; But WOW, what memories!

Enter The Poet - In Jeans

Nowadays it seems that no one listens to you, unless you are known on the web. With that in mind, I state the following in defiance: I Blog, Therefore I AM!

Enter The Poet - Midst Silence

If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times! WHAT?

Enter The Poet - In An Ovation

To emulate someone's work is praise to them. To duplicate someone's work is to bring credit to yourself. Which of these two things is better?

Enter The Poet - Via Skylight

When at first you don't succeed, call your friend who really knows computers.

Enter The Poet - Thru Trap-Door

When I am writing these posts, I am not pretending to be wise, or pretending to be a comic, or even pretending to be funny. I am just pretending.

Enter The Poet - Hailed By Lights

Someone once explained to me how something I THOUGHT was incorrect was correct. After his elaborate and educated explanation, I then KNEW that what I THOUGHT was incorrect WAS incorrect.

Enter The Poet - Midst Steam

I woke up this morning, walked outside, and thought it cold; but not as cold as some people I have met!

Enter The Poet - Through Fire

It's strange, but this time of year I have friends and neighbors who should have been friends and neighbors earlier this year.

Enter The Poet - Midst Smoke

Life is full of difficult decisions. We have no option but to think over our choices, decide what we feel is best, and then make the decision. After which, we normally regret it for the rest of our lives.

Enter The Poet - From Below

I just got a review of my posts from a few friends, and they said that some of my comments were really out there!! So I thought to myself; No! They are posted on my blogsite, duuuuuh! ------------------------------------------------------- If you have taken offense to any of my posts, please please give it back, it's the only offense I have!

Enter The Poet - From Above

I looked over the precipice and saw a great valley. I lunged back to prepare to jump. Then I thought, there has to be a better way to come up with something to write.

Enter The Poet - Stage Right

Thought of The Day: True Love is beautiful and real friendship is free, but have you seen the electric bill?

Enter The Poet - Center Stage

When I was young, I wanted to be older. Now that I am older, I want to be smarter. When I am smarter, what will I want then?

Enter The Poet - Stage Left

I once had an idea that what I said and did mattered, and then I graduated High School!