
Showing posts from July, 2007

Enter The Poet - Having To Prove Nothing

If you don't want to lose someone; don't !

Enter The Poet - As A Matter of Respect

To truly respect someone, we must comprehend what they feel and believe comprises respect.

Enter The Poet - Stopping For Some Time

As some get older, time passes faster for them; they feel this effect because they no longer have the opportunity to stop and enjoy it.

Enter The Poet - Supplying Cold Fusion

Time and Friends; you can never have too much of either.

Enter The Poet - Knowing The Subject

There is no relatively in truth; only in your opinion of it .

Enter The Poet - Speaking Relatively

The further you are away from a thing, the slower it is perceived, by you, to be going. When, in fact, it may be traveling at the speed of light, and always has been .

Enter The Poet - Reading The Manual

Read up on everything you have the opportunity to study. It will not make you the best person for the action; but having a clue always helps .

Enter The Poet - Playing With Chaos Theory

Some people are "Jacks of All Trades"; some have mastered more than one .

Enter The Poet - Helping Neurogenesis

Sometimes life is stupid; for no particular reason except stray emotions.

Enter The Poet - Ducking Thunder

Yes, lightning can strike in the same place twice, and it can miss you both times; but don't push your luck .

Enter The Poet - Boldly Into The Abyss

Sometimes the sun only shines for you.

Enter The Poet - Minding The Weather

If you have not said it to me, do not hold me accountable for it.

Enter The Poet - Walking Tall

Seize the day before it seizes you.

Enter The Poet - Compacting The Trash

It is important to have someone to confide in; somethings are just too large to handle alone.

Enter The Poet - To Be The Best

Good fruit bears more good fruit, but only if it is nurtured correctly.

Enter The Poet - During The Etude

I write, so that I may learn to write better. But I live so that I "will" learn to live better .

Enter The Poet - From The Eighties Shop

Always consider the days before, prepare for the days ahead; but focus on the day at hand.

Enter The Poet - With A Pocket Of Luck

It can be completed; if you are provided the time .

Enter The Poet - Looking At A Stone Path

Please show me the way to exit this path and enter onto the main road!

Enter The Poet - Running The Main Story

How will you know when you have finally made it; there's no G.P.S. in life.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Brahms

If you knew you could get real answers, what would the questions b e?

Enter The Poet - Wearing A Tear

Call up a friend and spend some time together. They could use the company, too.

Enter The Poet - During The Fourth Movement

If only you could open my soul and see it's beauty, I would not be denied .

Enter The Poet - Coloring In Chalk

We all spend our lives trying to gets our heart's desire, but does it want us?

Enter The Poet - Grasping For More

What Do You Really Live For?

Enter The Poet - Listening To Classical Music

Sometimes I find myself without the money. Often I find myself without the time. Many times I find myself without either.

Enter The Poet - Calling For Justice

We often hear about patriots being loyal to their countries, how often do we hear about countries being loyal to their patriots?

Enter The Poet - Raking The Leaves

Do right by your love ones while you have the chance; most opportunities eventually fade away .

Enter The Poet - Slipin' & Slidin'

I will one day succeed and everyone will notice. Sorry, just thinking out loud.

Enter The Poet - Barking Wildly

Sometimes the things you think will bring you down, don't.

Enter The Poet - Like A Family Man

There are things which we would do if we had the chance; at least that's what we tell ourselves.