
Showing posts from October, 2017

Enter The Poet - Haunted By The Memory

The clock is ticking and the hour is late My hands are shaky and so is my fate The dread is thick; tonight is no thrill I cannot sleep, the air is cold and chill Images flash in my eyes and in my head Frightened where this path has lead If only, my duties, I did not shirk If only, I had done my homework

Enter The Poet - Up With The Dawn

I am not in love, but I do like a whole lot You can say that I am, I will say that I am not

Enter The Poet - Missing The Praise

You don't need to give me compliments all day, and every night; but I am not saying that I would complain.

Enter The Poet - Rounding All Of The Edges

Too many great things are once in a lifetime; and far too many unpleasant things are common place.

Enter The Poet - In Love With Love

You remembered me, and that brought me joy. You also smiled, and that made me realize that I was a pleasant memory. This kind of modest elation is a rare thing, but a wonderful thing to bask within. I am glad that you could recall my face, and simply that you remembered me.

Enter The Poet - Undoing Time

Your time is your own; until everyone steals it away.

Enter The Poet - Poetically Remembered

Life is a journey built entirely of individual moments; if there is a map, it's solely made up of the moments which have past, the moments to come, and bridged in-between by the moments we are living. It would be folly to plan our destination, without taking time to enjoy the experience.

Enter The Poet - Under The Falls

It's easy to rise to the occasion when everyone is looking down on you.

Enter The Poet - Open To Good Ideas

Truly valuable conversation happens infrequently; try to appreciate those times when they appear.

Enter The Poet - Wishing For A Cheaper Solution

The day is neither longer nor shorter than you make it.

Enter The Poet - Greeting & Meeting

It's always fun to plan for good times; it's especially pleasant when they appear on their own.

Enter The Poet - Foraging For A Explanation

Some things just need to be resolved, long before they need to be explained.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Morale

Having plans does not solve all problems; but the lack of plans sure creates them.

Enter The Poet - Not Feeling The Trust

Some people's intentions are clear; but only to themselves.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Purple

The sequence of events are very fuzzy, but I know this is not where I expected to be.

Enter The Poet - Without A Sign

Life is not something you just accept; it's something you build through shaping and molding.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Quiet The Sound

You can stop people from telling you that you are wrong; but you cannot quiet the voices inside of your own head.

Enter The Poet - After The Task

The Past is very unforgiving; it remains the same, no matter how hard you try to change it.

Enter The Poet - Without Consideration

You can never be anyone else but yourself; hopefully that is good enough for the people in your life.

Enter The Poet - In I.T., To Win I.T.

We can save you from a crash, help in your recovery, add security to your life; but mostly live without respect. Did you try rebooting?

Enter The Poet - Looking For A New Refreshment

I am so lonely, I am so in love, I was so in love, I hurt so much; shake, stir, and repeat.

Enter The Poet - Alone On A Path

Sometimes you just can't persuade the crowd; sometimes you just have to go your own way, and just let them follow.

Enter The Poet - Dreaming Of A Different Life

Wanting to change your past, is like choosing a path without knowing if it leads to something better.

Enter The Poet - Wanting A Judgement Call From The Crowd

Is it unreasonable to simply want to get along with people, or more unreasonable to believe that it could be possible?

Enter The Poet - Fifty Percent Contained

Half the time we are searching for answers, and the other half of the time, we are encountering new questions.

Enter The Poet - Without A Reasonable Excuse

I have heard people say, that they wanted to be seen and heard for what they are; and I have also heard others say, that they just wanted to be seen and heard.

Enter The Poet - Overtly And Independantly

There is no hope without vision; you cannot achieve what you cannot see.

Enter The Poet - Taking A Few Notes

I will rise, if I do not fall I will have nothing, if I do not have all I will see the horizon, if I do not look back But I will lose my way, if I do not keep track I will be the best, if I persist and practice But without patience, I will cease to exist I will have nothing, if I do not have all I will rise, if I do not fall

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Right Collection

Life can be a bit tedious, with its long days, complex decisions, and occasional troubles. It can be harsh to go it alone, and bitter to be ignored or forgotten by people. But, every so often, there can be times when we are considered by others and are not alone, forgotten, nor neglected.

Enter The Poet - Exercising All Rights

Without great patience, no difficult task can be mastered.

Enter The Poet - With Pumpkin Spice Bread

The days grow hot, weary, and long I must maintain my strength I must continue to remain strong