
Showing posts from January, 2007

Enter The Poet - Being The Victor

Though you may accomplish much, sometimes it seems that people only look at the mistakes.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Find the Solution

Believe there is a resolution to the problem; even if it's not the one you are seeking or expect .

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Hero

Why does bad news travel so fast and good news gets lost in the mail?

Enter The Poet - Trying Teamwork

Hope is always in the distance; could it travel any slower ?

Enter The Poet - Expressing Existence

I want to live my life; not just exist in it !

Enter The Poet - Missing The Point

Don't travel so deep in thought that no rope to reality can reach you.

Enter The Poet - Allowing For Errors

How do you feel when people take advantage of you, or take you for granted; you don't do that also, do you ?

Enter The Poet - Looking Through Top Of The Trees

Don't abuse your friends, they are on your side; most of the time .

Enter The Poet - Adjusting The Clock

Just because you remember times when things weren't all bad, does not mean that you wish to return to that place and time.

Enter The Poet - Swimming Strongly

Working hard in life without a definite goal is like walking on ice without checking its thickness. You may reach where you are going, and you may not.

Enter The Poet - Out Of The Red

In the deep silence I strive and linger for what is my due.

Enter The Poet - In Search Of Time

There is a time and a place for everything; as long as it is on the schedule .

Enter The Poet - In Search Of Substance

Be careful what you joke about and to whom,lest you cause it to become a reality; whether it be for good or bad.

Enter The Poet - In Search Of A Dream

One day I will plan everything correctly and everything I do will work out right. Well...I can dream, can't I ?

Enter The Poet - In Search Of Peace

I would like to live a day where all of my contacts are willing to strive for a peaceful co-existence; and not be dreaming .

Enter The Poet - In Search Of A Real Cause

If we truly care about something, shouldn't it show?

Enter the Poet - In Search Of A Lost Friend

Like the sand that travels through an hourglass, so does the multitude of friendships; not always by design or choice .

Enter The Poet - Testing The Odds

Everything which you do has a cost; have the payment when it is due .

Enter The Poet - Like A Crazy Person

It's not pleasant, having to act crazy, to get respect for what you comprehend, or have the knowledge to perform; it's far worse to be the cause of someone having to do such .

Enter The Poet - Taking The Walk

Most of us are told to finish school and learn, and we will make something of our lives. Though it is very important to finish school and learn, it can only improve the life that you will have; wherever that may take you. But clearly understand, you are already someone and your life is already something; education should just make that fact more apparent.

Enter the Poet - Dreaming Of Sleep

The best sleep you will ever have starts five minutes before you have to get up!

Enter the Poet - Riding A Horse

The unexpected always comes when you least expect it; it's rather obvious , but you know it's true.

Enter The Poet - Having A Thought

Feelings are such trivial things; except to the one, to whom, they belong .

Enter The Poet - Until Freed

We do what we do for a purpose only known and appreciated by ourselves. At times others may see it and comprehend; most will not .

Enter The Poet - Expanding The Hypercube

I am a brilliant potential awaiting to be unlocked and searching for the key!

Enter The Poet - Watching Time

Does it takes longer waiting for something you dread to do, or doing it?

Enter The Poet - Planting A Garden

If I plant enough good deeds, should they not bring fourth good returns?

Enter The Poet - Into Victory

Is there any greater success than respect for who you are and what you have achieved?

Enter The Poet - Unfolding the Tesseract

Some ideas cannot be contained. I hope that I have several and that they all are brilliant!

Enter The Poet - Like Water

Days flow like water when your only plan is to enjoy them.

Enter The Poet - First Time This Year

It's New Year's Day and life can be great Spend time with love ones; drop the hate Things forever change and never last Reflect on the year which has passed I am sure there are things to appreciate