
Showing posts from April, 2022

Enter The Poet - Making A Memory

How do you create great memories; I think trying is a good way to start.

Enter The Poet - With A Bigger Headache

Often, I feel that I provide myself with more heartache than necessary; and frequently, substantially much more than I desire.

Enter The Poet - Moving Through The Muck & Mire

The days and weeks may become tedious and lackluster; but, if we have a real goal, the forward movement should bring encouragement.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Understand The Fear

There may be times, when we feel that we have lost everything; but, if we still have any fear of lost, then we have not yet lost everything.

Enter The Poet - Unwilling To Yield

We can overlook and forget a great many things; but the things, which we cannot forgive, grant us no advantages.

Enter The Poet - Waiting For Friends

Old friends or new friends; we are simply blessed and fortunate to have any.

Enter The Poet - Having Too Much Fun

 It's not that the day is too short; it's that fact, that are enjoyment is far too momentous.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Less Than Grand

We only understand so much, and the universe is so grand; how can we feel confident, that we know enough.

Enter The Poet - Willing To Try

There are many things in life, which you think are dumb and unproductive; you may be right about most, but never about them all.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Like Everyone Else

Sometimes in our lives, we feel like strangers, and we don't seem to fit in; often, it's a very sad feeling, but sometimes, it is not.

Enter The Poet - Unheld

Sometimes there are many things holding you down, and often you are the only one feeling the restraint. However, every so often you may have the opportunity to break free; do it!

Enter The Poet - Trying To Get A Grip

As I pen the letters to the page, the ideas come and go, they glow and fade. I reach out to grasp them, before they flutter away; while simultaneously trying create new worlds, in which to exist.

Enter The Poet - Lost And Also Found

It is always a long ride from here to there; I just never know where here is, nor the exact location of there.

Enter The Poet - Without Question

The human psyche is a sensitive and fragile entity, it can believe and trust in almost anything, yet weakened by only the slightest doubt; possibly.

Enter The Poet - Wishing For Another Direction

You can make plans all you want; but the day will go where it wishes.

Enter The Poet - Into Uncharted Seas

Sometimes, it not a matter of finding your dreams; sometimes it's a matter of living them.

Enter The Poet - Just Wanting The Obtainable

Some people seek dreams far beyond their means, and some have desires, which no one will truly realize; but, sometimes I would simply like to obtain and enjoy the possible.

Enter The Poet - Looking Into A Brighter Day

I try never to hold, nor expect unrealistic or overly positive expectations; but, every so often, I can express that hope.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Solid Connections

No matter, new or old; all of your friendships will require constant attention and maintenance.

Enter The Poet - Unprepared For Additional Grief

Without hearing the exact words nor the full details; we can frequently anticipate the sorrow of what's about to happen.

Enter The Poet - Expecting Some Thing

Things aren't always what you expect them to be; they may not be bad, nor good, they may simply be different.

Enter The Poet - Not Willing To Go Backwards

There is always fear in moving forward, fear of the unknown and the fear of lost; there is never any guarantee that moving forward will be easy; but, you do know what you are leaving behind.

Enter The Poet - Living In A Different Moment

If you can't let me exist in the present moment; then, could you kindly provide me a moment, in which, I can happily reside.

Enter The Poet - Within The Proper Guidelines

Some like to make the rules, some like to break the rules; some just want to understand the rules, exist within them, and have them work fairly.

Enter The Poet - Stretched Into Sorrow

I am not one, to shine brightly colored smiles, nor state cute words of sappiness Neither am I the one, to hinder any of your dreams, hopes, nor your happiness.

Enter The Poet - As The World Goes By

I love to look into your eyes, and watch them sparkle in the light. Holding you closely, in my arms; this always brings me delight.   The world passes over and around us; our glow will never dim. I just want to partake of each moment; each and every whim.

Enter The Poet - Unevenly Timed

I believe, given the same exact amount of time; the thing, which I am dreading, will somehow arrive, long before the thing, which I am longing for.

Enter The Poet - With Zero Control

None of us is in total control nor have the power we might believe; all it takes, is a unanimous decision, of a community, corporation, or society to ignore and deny our goals.

Enter The Poet - Willfully Moved

Sometimes I like to sit back, and let the day carry me away; hopefully, it will be to places I desire to go.

Enter The Poet - Living In Fuzzy Logic

We live our lives like everything will eventually make sense; the thing is, that will almost surely never happen for most of us.