
Showing posts from December, 2019

Enter The Poet - In A Conversation With Time

We complain about time, we argue about time, we beg for time; and yet we never have enough time, to get to know time.

Enter The Poet - Cooking Gingerbread

Some days just happen, and then they are quickly dispersed; it's always prudent to catch a little bit, before its all gone.

Enter The Poet - Writing A Worthy Life

Maybe it's not the end of a year, but an end to a chapter in your life; will next year be a chapter worth reading?

Enter The Poet - Positive Without Cause

Everyone would like to be happy; I wonder how many would like me to be happy.

Enter The Poet - Worn To The Bone

How long does it take to wear away your good nature; does it ever come back?

Enter The Poet - Presently Chill

We can give things, and we can give of ourselves; which of these do you feel is truly valuable?

Enter The Poet - To The Right of The Fireplace

Christmastime is here at last Some years go by pretty fast I just want a great day Have some fun, maybe play A merry day, just like times past

Enter The Poet - Repurposed For The Holidays

The smell of hot cocoa,  cinnamon and mint, Holiday movies, fast food, many dollars spent. The bite of the air, maybe the chill of the snow, The anticipation of a dream, every direction I go.   The smell of pine trees, the abundance of cake, The taste of pie and tarts, or whatever we make. The smile on a face and a cookie, chocolate chip, It's always nice to travel; to enjoy a Christmas trip.

Enter The Poet - Pondering Vast Hopes

The only thing better than giving someone a moment, is having a moment to provide.

Enter The Poet - Not Conceding To Small Thoughts

Sometimes I feel that my ideas are too grand, and encompass too much; yet, when I step outside into night and look up, I soon understand that they are just far too small.

Enter The Poet - Almost Fully Aware

Sometimes I really think I finally understand; and then I forget what it was I understood.

Enter The Poet - Without A Frame of Reference

Maybe the day is not moving slowly, maybe I am moving to quickly; fine, I'll just take a nap.

Enter The Poet - Contrary By Choice

My friends are not like your friends, nor do they think the same; that is a fact, and it's fine.

Enter The Poet - Not Here, But Almost There

Life is moving all around us like a blind tunnel maze; if we don't move with it, we will simply run into all of the walls.

Enter The Poet - Deeper Than Thought

What if, my new conscious thoughts, are just old sub-conscious thoughts, which have finally surfaced?

Enter The Poet - Beyond The Loop

I walked in energized, and ready to engage; I was told,"Knock it off!"

Enter The Poet - Over A Ribbon Of Hope

I heard a sound, and it was unknown to me; I was later told, it was the sound of triumph.

Enter The Poet - Through A Small Gap

I can imagine myself in great and high places; but, often find myself stuck in the maze.

Enter The Poet - Frequently Present

I am always here, if you need my heart; but you never seem to.

Enter The Poet - Up Too Late

The dance was grand, and your company splendid; but only your compassion can soothe my pain.

Enter The Poet - Not Tasked To Succeed

Everyone always says that they want you to achieve great things; how many lend a helping hand?

Enter The Poet - Being Absurd

My hands are filled with Time; yet, none of it ever seems to be mine.

Enter The Poet - Wanting To be Heard

I speak a word in the quiet; but, it makes not a sound. I seek to find an interested assembly; none can be found.

Enter The Poet - Moved To Express

On occasion, we may find ourselves motivated to express our thoughts; let's be sure that we fully think them through.

Enter The Poet - Not Correctly Motivated

Going through the motions will get the job done; I only wonder what kind of job and it's value.

Enter The Poet - Correctly Seated

Doing everything correctly does not guarantee success nor prevent failure; it's just simply the proper action to perform.

Enter The Poet - Flying Through A Space

The opening scene is only the beginning of the drama; let all of the players speak their lines before you try to guess the outcome.

Enter The Poet - Clearly In A Disguise

I can never trust to show you the truth, if you are never willing to see it.

Enter The Poet - Wanting Only To Have

There are often many sides to an argument; that does not mean that any of them are correct.

Enter The Poet - Able To Examine The Data

Sometimes the distance is too far to cross; but often it's there for a reason.

Enter The Poet - Under More Stress Than Required

Too much pressure can cause people to break; what else will fail, when they do?