
Showing posts from October, 2005

Enter The Poet - On A Carpet

This is the day of scaring Costumes people are wearing They take to the streets To get them some treats Sick tomorrow; who's caring?

Enter The Poet - With A Raft

Sometimes I hear what I need to, just at the time I need to hear it!

Enter The Poet - Weeping At The Rain

Do things appear better than they are, or are we just settling for less?

Enter The Poet - Why?

I have always wanted to relevant; does that really matter?

Enter The Poet - Laughing At Fear

By the time you are truly ready the moment is always gone! Why is that?

Enter The Poet - Holding A Piece Of The Sun

Do not let anyone take your obtainable goals from you, or let them replace your goals with goals of their own! This works with dreams as well!

Enter The Poet - Hiding From The Crowd

Need something to worry about; give it time, you will come up with something. Maybe that's a habit you need to break!

Enter The Poet - Thru A Pyramid Door

It's not that they do not like it, it's that they do not truly understand it and are resisting it's newness and novelty; that doesn't make it any easier, does it?

Enter The Poet - Eating Way Too Much

Many believe that humans are self serving by nature, and this may be true. It is also true that some relationships are sought. Why do we seek these relationships; to share? oh, and remember there are motives on both sides! Have A Great Day! ;-)

Enter The Poet - With A Suitcase

You do not have to like a person, in order for them to like you. And if a person likes you, accept it, after all, it "is" a good thing!

Enter The Poet - Touching A Cloud

It is known that we all seek to learn who we are, and all do so at different times in our lives. In this, I ask, do our jobs define us or do we define them? Is there more to life than your work, and do you do those things?

Enter The Poet - Holding The Universe

Do not deny the ones who love you, they have the most to lose from you and will have the most reason to remember it!

Enter The Poet - With Or Without You

If your life is a testimony of who you are, what type of arguement have you presented so far?

Enter The Poet - Without A Thought

Look up and see the sun, look down and see the Earth, breathe in and taste the air; Life goes on!

Enter The Poet - Looking Hungry

If I talk clearly you may understand far too well, if I speak vaguely you never comprehend, and if I say nothing at all, who will know?

Enter The Poet - Talking To The Air

Always waiting for something and never getting, such is love and such is life! Join the club!

Enter The Poet - With A Little Puppy

A poem a day keeps the boredom away, well that what the bad poets say!

Enter The Poet - With A Bag Of Marbles

Sometimes I find myself content, work completed, paid well, and complimented on a job well done; then it never fails, someone wakes me up or the alarm goes off!

Enter The Poet - With A Newsletter

Ask not what your country can do for you; if they could have done it, they would have done it already!

Enter The Poet - With A Singer

Sometimes the exploit of others might provide someone with ideas which they may eventually use on you!

Enter The Poet - With A Bucket Of Ice

Someone is waiting for you to tell the truth; you do remember what that is, don't you?

Enter The Poet - With A Cheese Sandwich

If someone moves your cheese and you have to go after new cheese, make sure it's cheese you want and like! Bad cheese is bad cheese, even if it's new!

Enter The Poet - With A Plastic Key

Relationships are peculiar occurrences. They never work out the way you want them to, start on their own with the first interaction, even if unsought, and they "never" end; they only "change"!

Enter The Poet - With A No Passing Sign

Be Patient with me. Life is a song and I am still learning the lyrics!

Enter The Poet - In A Celica

If a person normally avoids interacting with you and now wants to because they need help, should you interact with them; should you help them? In a perfect world, these would not be such good questions, or a valid ones!

Enter The Poet - With Whine

I sat and pondered, to dwell on the good in mankind; but found none! I was in traffic, was that a bad time?

Enter The Poet - With Crackers & Cheese

You sometimes forget the good that people do, but you never forget the bad; why is that? Of course, it does not help that they do bad things all the time!

Enter The Poet - Running In The Heat

I never choose to fail and sometimes it's hard to find the option to succeed!

Enter The Poet - Looking Like A Mime

I can see all of the things, that you say you will do for me. I can also see all of the things which you do against me as well!

Enter The Poet - Running In Circles

There will be times when "Time Alone" will be unattainable. There will also be times when "Time Alone" will be inescapable!

Enter The Poet - Checking For A Flat

It's not that I care, I just wanted to help!