
Showing posts from November, 2023

Enter The Poet - Simply Looking Into Answers

Sometimes, the answers, which seem too common, are actually the truth; that does not mean you shouldn't check the facts.

Enter The Poet - Correcting The Course

You will never get to your destination, if you keep changing directions; you need to pick a path, and try to stay on it.

Enter The Poet - Without Enough Time

If you had more time, what would you do with it, and who would you spend it with?

Enter The Poet - Knowing Only The Story

You can only know a person as much as they are willing to share; and that's if, what they share is fully true.

Enter The Poet - Sorting The Day

Sometimes, it seems that, each day comes with its own set of rules; and you can spend the whole day sorting them out.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Non-Agendas

If you can survive the hidden agendas; you might be able to find someone who actually cares.

Enter The Poet - Not Drifting Away

The day comes in, and the stars; they drift away. Still holding you close, and wanting you to stay.

The Poet Enter - Passing The Pie

We all have family, and to some it's a delight When we all come together, the future becomes bright The food, the festival and the conversation New and old recipes, what a great combination Looking forward to the reunion; it can be a great sight

Enter The Poet - Seeking Valuation

I have spent my whole life, seeking to be valued; I guess, the answers, 'by whom', and 'how much', have never been found.

Enter The Poet - Requesting Enough Respect

We don't always make the right decisions; most of us make them based on information, which we are provided. We can only trust, that we are respected enough, to be given the actual facts to reach those choices.

Enter The Poet - Incorrectly Placed

There is a time and place for everything; I never know the correct time, and I am always in the wrong place.

Enter The Poet - Unable To Express

Some ideas and emotions are hard to express; and often, they are harder to show.

Enter The Poet - Just Thinking

There can be days, when much is accomplished; and there will be days, when those accomplishments will only be a thought.

Enter The Poet - AFK

Sometimes you have to do what is needed; other times, you need to do what you can.

Enter The Poet - Awaiting The Sunshine

The sky opened and a flood of sadness poured down; hopefully the sun will shine, before the day concludes.

Enter The Poet - Doing Much Better

As you evaluate your life, you understand that, things could be much worse; however, things could be much, much better, as well.

Enter The Poet - Somewhat Making A Case

There is a case to make for common sense; but sometimes, common sense is truly hard to locate.

Enter The Poet - Streaming

Some days you are in high demand; this never seems to change the level of respect.

Enter The Poet - In Need Of Oversight

There will be times, when our determination will not be enough; will we have the power, to call for aide?

Enter The Poet - Not The Hero

If we look around and find that we are the bad guy, should we continue to cheer ourselves on?

Enter the Poet - Charmed By Surprise

You can't control everything, and sometimes, you don't really need to.

Enter The Poet - Finally With A Smile

Some things work out the way you expect them to, while other things don't; sometimes, it's not about what you expect, but it's the actual result which matters.

Enter The Poet - Wondering About The Outcome

We strive for many things, and only achieve and few of them; are we getting the ones which we truly want and deserve?

Enter The Poet - Holding Onto Today

Who knows what today will bring; hopefully much needed answers and solutions.

Enter the Poet - Turning The World Around

Life can turn you many curves; almost as many as you throw to yourself.

Enter The Poet - Just Wanting To Be

Sometimes, I just want to be the best I can be; it would help, if I truly knew what that was.

Enter The Poet - Looking At Second Chances

New days, bring new opportunities, and new chances; unless you bring old issues and old conflicts with you.

Enter The Poet - Momentarily Distracted

Most things, which we bring into our lives, help lead us to where we are trying to be; but not all things.

Enter The Poet - Craving Resolution

Sometimes, we make our own problems; but often, others create them for us.

Enter The Poet - Without Real Respect

Sometimes people just say what they need to avoid conflict; never meaning a word.