
Showing posts from September, 2022

Enter The Poet - With Everything At Once

Sometimes, I am just looking for a little good news, and sometimes I am waiting for good events; I have no problem, with both of these things happening at once.

Enter The Poet - Waiting To Begin

There is a whole lot of life out there to experience; often, I feel like I haven't even started the journey.

Enter The Poet - Looking For A Break

Everything doesn't always work, the way you expect, nor possibly wish; sometimes, you just have to see how things work out, and modify your expectations.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Reach Valid Goals

Staying where I am seems safe enough, but I will eventually whither; going somewhere else, seems risky, but I will grow from the experience.

Enter The Poet - Thinking of Uplifting Realities

Sometimes, it seems that we never seek out the things, which would lift us to new levels; but, we frequently find those things, which seem to bring us down.

Enter The Poet - Willing To Share

A lot of us look for peace and safety within our lives; are these things, which we provide or share with others?

Enter The Poet - Watching The Day Pass

Sometimes a whole day might pass, without a significant event happening; then, I remind myself, that the day itself, is the truly significant event.

Enter The Poet - Enjoying The Brightness

There are times, when you may feel like you are stuck in a long dark tunnel; however, any opportunity at freedom, is just like bright sunshine.

Enter The Poet - Both Poised & Confused

We spend our whole lives trying to find our place in this world; and it seems that, our place moves every single day.

Enter The Poet - With Unexpected Joys

Most of the time, we are able to discern some of the sorrows, which lie ahead; but, joys, are not so easy to spot.

Enter The Poet - Reviewing Better Choices

We make good and bad choices all of the time; it's just we don't know which until after hindsight.

Enter The Poet - In Charge of The Fear

Everyone has fear, and each one of us must face it eventually; once we get over the fear.

Enter The Poet - Taking A Long Moment

Many people have expressed to me, the loneliness of living; their age, was never a factor.

Enter The Poet - Often Disregarded

It can be very offensive to have your passion disregarded as a hobby; that is, if it is regarded at all.

Enter The Poet - Yet, Another Day

It is nice to have something to look forward to; it is also nice, to have someone looking forward to share it with you.

Enter The Poet - Without Receiving A Call

People who truly like you, hear what you express to them; those, who love you, do something about those things.

Enter The Poet - Holding A Day Together

I want to do great things with my time; but, somehow it keeps drifting away, without my knowledge or consent.

Enter The Poet - Restrained By Foolishness

Sometimes, you can't do the things, which you would choose to do; simply, because of the unproductive choices of others.

Enter The Poet - Feeling The Unexpressed

Relationships are something to both enjoy and to loathe;  are you ever really sure that you are part of one, or just an item on the side?

Enter The Poet - Trying Boldness

Bold days, and bold times, are the product of bold choices made by bold personalities.

Enter The Poet - Without A Recollection

i remember those times as sorrowful, and you remember them as pleasant; i wonder where the disconnect has happened.

Enter The Poet - Over A Beautiful View

There is great beauty in the midst of agreement and cooperation; often, I feel that I may never know or see it happen.

Enter The Poet - Building A Better Memory

My ideas are partially clear and mostly relevant; if only, I could focus them more sharply, I might realize the dreams which I might acquire.

Enter The Poet - Planning For Better Times

We all want to have all of our dreams to come true; but, first we have to find things worth dreaming for.

Enter The Poet - Jumping Forward

Some of us dwell in the past, thinking they were better times; others are stuck in the past in fear of past traumas. Maybe it is better to understand, that the past is gone; but, we should learn from the events which have occurred.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Rather Curious

Each day has it's own special flavor; some bitter, some sweet, and some a little savory. Sometimes, I simply want to enjoy the flavor of the day; and taste as many days of flavor as possible.

Enter The Poet - Just A Little Overdue

It always nice to plan ahead, or have expectations of the days ahead; but, every so often, you wind up enjoying the days as they come, and telling the story afterwards.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Normal

There are times when you want to feel great; then there are times, when you simply want to feel normal.

Enter The Poet - Lying Out of Fear and Hope

Maybe I would say anything to be appreciated; I might even speak, that which, is completely true.

Enter The Poet - Without A Serious Doubt

At times, we may say things which we truly feel; when we are unsure what else to say. And if, we were to produce only silence, would it express any less?