
Showing posts from January, 2014

Enter The Poet - Making Meta-S'mores

If everyone wants to be part of the "IN' crowd, and the 'IN" crowd thinks they speak for everyone; why doesn't everyone simply speak for themselves, and we can call it even.

Enter The Poet - With Sun Dried Metaphors

I have reasoned that our scale of time and existence is far too small, and our lust for destruction far too large; but I have neither the power to upscale one, nor to downgrade the latter.

Enter The Poet - With Sun Ripened Metaphors

What if you question your whole life looking for the statement which reveals it's meaning and purpose; then find out, that life itself was the answer?

Enter The Poet - Picking Golden Metaphors

Time is like a glass of cool water on a very hot day; you can't wait until it's in your hands, you take a sip, and it's gone.

Enter The Poet - Checking Past Notes

Every new day brings with it a chance to understand the next one.

Enter The Poet - Being Quite Quaint

Life is not a bowl of cherries; but sometimes, it's just the pits.

Enter The Poet - Asking For Some Consideration

Often it's the matter of opinion, and not the matter of fact, which starts the war.

Enter The Poet - Reacting To Neglect

If good people can't be concerned enough to care, then what good are they?

Enter The Poet - Looking For Solid Things

There should be some reward in following the rules; yeah, there should be.

Enter The Poet - At The Roof Of The World

I am a child of the world, and a citizen of my culture; I am unknown, and left to the universe in my thoughts.

Enter The Poet - Closer & Further

Everyday I find myself striving closer to my goals, and each day I know less and less what they should be.

Enter The Poet - Actively Searching The Clues

You will never know the right answers, if you never learn how to ask the right questions.

Enter The Poet - For Personal Gain

It's good to have a sense of humor; but not to look at your paycheck.

Enter The Poet - Too Enthusiastically

Some days I wake up with so much drive, that when I go to sleep, I'm in another state.

Enter The Poet - Creating & Producing

What is true productivity, and who is the judge of it?

Enter the Poet - In Utter Irrelevance

Platitudes of simpleness often wander from our lips, are these really the essence of the things which sink ships?

Enter The Poet - Petty & Cached

The most important thing is, that which carries you through each day.

Enter The Poet - Leaping Bounds

One day you may have to simply take charge; just remember to give it back.

Enter The Poet - Keeping Valid Scores

Today is going to happen; whether you participate or not.

Enter The Poet - Shutting Stupid Doors

If we could truly work together with ease, the word compromise, would not need to exist.

Enter The Poet - Rising In The Storm

Pain falls like petals of darkness onto the freshly fallen snow of my broken heart leaving its soft impressions before drifting away into sorrow

Enter The Poet - Centered In Transition

Winter cold, frozen sledding, chopping, heating snow, ice, grass, mud swimming, running, sunbathing humid, warm Summer

Enter The Poet - Pondering Universal Magnitudes

Sometimes I would like to stand back and just enjoy my life; but often I am way too busy living it.

Enter The Poet - Beyond The Pale

Nothing is too radical or extreme, but only if it works.

Enter The Poet - In A Snowden

Sometimes we feel trapped, and rightfully so; but sometimes, we can simply walk right out of the corner.

Enter The Poet - Into A Mess Of Someone Else's Design

I am brave enough to enter into the fray; but smart enough to know when it doesn't belong to me.

Enter The Poet - Roving Mars

Sometimes the day passes far too quickly; even more so, when you wish it to stay.

Enter The Poet - Into Torpor

Sometimes life can be so cold and unyielding, that all active energy can be drained away.

Enter The Poet - Begging The Question

What is most of your time devoted towards; how can that not be relevant?

Enter The Poet - On The Wrong End

They say that you have to give, in order to get; but whom needs to start the process?

Enter The Poet - Diminished & Reborn

All my desires and aspirations to become a better person, wealthy, and well known, this year, are both slain and reborn this day.