
Showing posts from December, 2007

Enter The Poet - Touching The Outer Heart

Seek to be different; just like everyone else .

Enter The Poet - Waiting For Justice

Isn't there a reason to want more out of life?

Enter The Poet - Running From Time

When you are young, you may ask, "What is love?" After time and experience, you may find yourself asking, "Was any of that love?"

Enter The Poet - To Be Heard

Be merry when you have the chance; it is the one thing which can not be saved for later.

Enter The Poet - Checking The Star

Can we believe in peace, and not question humanity?

Enter The Poet - With Two Turtles, No Doves

Be careful what you accept as temporary; for you may find that it may become permanent.

Enter The Poet - Wearing A Red & White Suit

It's a beautiful day to say hello With family & friends, and a cup of joe Why don't we do this, all the year We fight and argue, and live in fear One day I hope, not long from now We will all have peace, if time will allow

Enter The Poet - Seeking Wise Men

Why is it that we can't see beyond the differences to the similarities; and begin there for our judgments?

Enter The Poet - Asking, What Is A Partridge

If you know something is wrong, have something right to exchange for it. Pointing out a flaw, but providing no solution does not solve a problem.

Enter The Poet - Seeking 5 Gold Rings

Knowledge is a powerful tool which some use bluntly.

Enter The Poet - Watching The Water

Patience is a virtue, which many are without.

Enter The Poet - Eating Butter Cookies

We will not always agree with others, and if we cannot accept this fact, none of us will survive.

Enter The Poet - Hoping For Glory

Take the time to enjoy your life, you are the only one who can.

Enter The Poet - Shoveling Snow

It's not that you get something back, but that you enjoy the giving. Sounds so simple, doesn't it?

Enter The Poet - Holding The Line

Why do we walk in circles when we are talking on a cell phone? It's not like we are actually trying to go somewhere.

Enter The Poet - Dodging Rein Deer

Pie with Mirth and Good Times in the Den

Enter The Poet - Hoping For A Hula Hoop

I like this time of year; it's not about the presents, it's about the people .

Enter The Poet - Asking, What Is A Partridge?

If you don't have a tradition; start one. If you don't like the new one; it's your fault.

Enter The Poet - Telling Them to Pipe Down

If you believe that someone is holding you back; you may be half right. One of those people might be you .

Enter The Poet - Drumming With The Boy

If you take away all hope; what's left?

Enter The Poet - Watching The Maids Milk

If you hold onto the past too long, you will find yourself left there.

Enter The Poet - Calling Four Birds

Sometimes I try to stop and think about my life; but when I do, it keeps moving on without me.

Enter The Poet - In The Season

You can't buy happiness, but you can have fun trying!

Enter The Poet - Dancing On The Car

It's o.k. to be direct, but you don't have to drive through the house.

Enter The Poet - Holding A Paradox

I could understand you better, if we got along. And I could get along with you better, if I understood you.

Enter The Poet - For The Trophy

If there was an award for knowing ourselves, don't feel too confident that you would win.

Enter The Poet - Holding Justice

Often we are not able to make the difference we would choose to make. Still, we do make the difference; one which only we ourselves can.

Enter The Poet - A Moment Too Late

I cry...You call I tarry...You fall I sigh...You touch You reply...I clutch You march...I run You preach...I pun We fight...We love

Enter The Poet - Wondering Why

I reached up and grabbed a pearl of wisdom, but forgot to hold on. Should I reach up once more?

Enter The Poet - Writing A Poem

Every little thing put on a page is not creative; nor deserving praise. Some things are creative and deserve recognition. Recognize...!

Enter The Poet - Being Standupish

Be sure with whom you hang; they may leave you hanging .