
Showing posts from April, 2006

Enter The Poet - Having Lost A Comfort

You will not always make the wrong decision............

Enter The Poet - Having Lost A Hope

You will not always make the right decision............

Enter The Poet - Searching For The Mouse

Consider what you are about to do; it will be too late after it has been done!

Enter The Poet - Search For A Mouse Pad

Consider what you are about to say; it will be too late after it is spoken!

Enter The Poet - Dodging The Hype

Do you always believe what you say, and is it worth believing?

Enter the Poet - Rolling The Dice

Good things can happen in your life by decision or by choice! Sooo....Do you feel lucky?

Enter The Poet - At Daybreak

Of course it's always the darkest before the dawn; the sun isn't even out yet!

Enter the Poet - Holding A Broken Pen

If we cannot live in peace, let's have a truce every so often!

Enter The Poet - Painting The Next Scene

You know, if I had the chance to live my life all over again, I'd watch!

Enter The Poet - Across The Bay

If you have the "Bull By The Horns", let go! Later, ask yourself, "What were you thinking"; then please correct it!

Enter The Poet - Speaking Out Loud

Hey, if you are not careful, today's dreams could become tomorrow's disappointments! Or is it that yesterday's reruns will become tomorrow's movie remakes? Either way, it won't be pretty!

Enter The Poet - Wishing For A Day To Come

Wisdom is an elusive thing; one minute, you think you have it all figured out, the next minute, the alarm clock rings!

Enter The Poet - Studying

To have your cake and eat it to, you will need to get a big enough cake!

Enter The Poet - Holding The Bag

Dreams are a most fragile thing; hold yours carefully!

Enter The Poet - With A Digital Camera

We are always waiting for tomorrow to be a better day! ...What about now?

Enter The Poet - On A Bat Shaped Kite

If you neglect the people that you should not, the consequences will be yours to keep.

Enter The Poet - On A Wild Horse

You can worry about as many things as you wish; but that won't change a thing!

Enter the Poet - Looking Into A Red Window

Sometimes I am angry because of the things people have said; but mostly it's because of the things they didn't.

Enter The Poet - Looking Into A Blue Window

Sometimes I am angry because of the things I have said; but mostly it's because of the things I didn't.

Enter The Poet - In A Hail Storm

Rock the boat, but not so hard that you fall out!

Enter The Poet - Drinking A Cherry Lemonade

Sometimes the best laid!

Enter The Poet - Finding A Way

Anything which you can do for yourself, you can do for others.... for a price!

Enter The Poet - Changing Moods

It is a good thing if you can make an enemy a friend, but there can be times when we get this backwards!

Enter The Poet - Devoted

I Try! Shouldn't we all?

Enter The Poet - Reaching For The Light Switch

Pay attention to your would be a shame, if something should happen to it!

Enter The Poet - Reciting A Letter

There are some things which should be said, and some things which should be done; but often we do neither!

Enter The Poet - In True Colors

Which is greater? The Love, or The Lost?

Enter The Poet - With A Vase & Water

You may not make a lot of mistakes, but I bet you feel that you make more than enough!

Enter The Poet - With Proof...Maybe

Do not just be content to agree or to disagree; research for yourself. You will learn that some people know less than you thought, while others know more than you imagined!

Enter The Poet - To An Imperial Theme

Bravery is not the lack of fear; it is the resolve to overcome fear!