
Showing posts from December, 2018

Enter The Poet - Without A Resolution

I could resolve to be a better person; but only if the world resolved to be a better place.

Enter The Poet - Down The Stream

There is never a situation that is so stressful, that we can't add more to it.

Enter The Poet - Walking Deeper

We either don't know the way, or don't have enough time; but we have to make the effort to be complete.

Enter The Poet - Holding Time

Time holds us ever so tightly, and still remains so elusive to our grasps.

Enter The Poet - Looking For A Present

Our pleasantness may just be the present most people are seeking. 

Enter The Poet - Happy For The Holidays

You want to be more, do more, and have more; who or what is stopping you?

Enter The Poet - In The Midst Of A Season

Cheerful Greetings & Salutations! Enjoy and take pleasure in this time with your friends and family members, as you participate in the seasonal traditions which you honor. Know that I truly wish that each of you dwell in the most spectacular goodwill this year! To those who have needed a shoulder, I hope that it was shared. And for those who deserved congratulations, I hope it was remembered. Even though our holidays can be varied, they are still a delightful event amongst us, and are amazing to celebrate together. Welcome every second with your family & friends. Most Especially, take a moment to share these affirmative feelings with all those you encounter. Happy Holidays & Greetings of The Season

Enter The Poet - Long Overdue

We feel the season because we want to be acknowledged; and a season of goodwill should blanket us all.

Enter The Poet - Wondering About The Stars

Raise a glass of cheer, for friends & family, Joke, laugh, live this moment, and be free. Soak in the spirit of this season of peace and joy, Come together in harmony, and try not to be coy. We look forward to this time, don't you agree?

Enter The Poet - Dancing To The Hidden Music

We lose pieces of ourselves in the things which we create; and when they are ridiculed, we feel the disgrace in our hearts.

Enter The Poet - Laughably

Going back to the beginning does not mean you will run a better race.

Enter The Poet - Hearing The Rumors, Knowing The Facts

If all that you know is the opinions of others, then you have not obtained knowledge; the only thing which you have obtained is simply a bigger opinion.

Enter The Poet - And Possibly Within Bounds

Sometimes it's a great option; until it's your turn.

Enter the Poet - Absolutely Undecided

Maybe it's not about having a great idea, maybe it's about having any opportunity to implement it.

Enter The Poet - Within The Realm Of Sentiment

There are few of us who truly care; and fewer still who can discern those which do.

Enter The Poet - For One More

Sometimes I would like to have the option and a choice.

Enter The Poet - Uncorrected

Are we walking on the underside by design, or by choice?

Enter The Poet - Checking Into A Parallel Situation

Things are not always what they seem; things are simply what they are.

Enter The Poet - For The Enjoyment

When the day is too precious to throw away, this is the time when everyone decides to recycle.

Enter The Poet - Unlikely To Smile

The reward is the deed itself; hopefully it was fulfilling in it's completion.

Enter The Poet - Watching The World Take Shape

You never know what's behind the horizon; and you won't find out, if you don't watch the road ahead.

Enter The Poet - During Renovation

Sometimes the words don't come quickly or easily; but just like a new day, they come.

Enter The Poet - No Where Near Finished

There are things in reality which still exist regardless if you do not do them, do not know about‎ them, or do not understand them.

Enter The Poet - Dancing In The Center

It doesn't matter what you are trying to prove, as long as you can explain it to someone other than just yourself.

Enter The Poet - From Beneath the Stage

Trust as many people as you wish; but check and understand the facts.

Enter The Poet - Understanding The Science

If you must sacrifice ALL of your freedoms, please try to at least understand the reason.

Enter The Poet - Too Close To The Edge

There are times when you are pushed too far; maybe you need bigger boundaries.

Enter The Poet - Assailing The Ocean

You don't always have to go it alone; but that does not mean you won't try anyway.

Enter The Poet - Posing The Wrong Questions

If you don't have enough time to obtain your dreams, give yourself more; you're the one who is tracking the progress.

Enter The Poet - Writing Better Lines

The way is far, and the trail is filled with tears. The road must be traveled, in spite of our fears.

Enter The Poet - Away For The Rehersal

It's always good to have practical thoughts; it is also good to have practical fun.

Enter The Poet - Preparing To Dance

It's only a matter of time before something great eventually happens; just be ready when it does.