
Showing posts from November, 2006

Enter The Poet - Like A Revised Ending

I strive for the happy resolution and beautiful sunset; I am sure it can be reached .

Enter The Poet - A Work In Progress

There once was a boy, from the rough part of the city be concluded...maybe...

Enter The Poet - Writing For Proof

I write to express ; to read is to begin to show what value you place on that fact.

Enter The Poet - For The Rest Of The Day

It's not that there is not enough time in the day; it's that sometimes we are forced to put too much into it.

Enter The Poet - Trying To See Clearly

When something is fuzzy to begin with, bringing it closer does not always make it better.

Enter The Poet - Wondering Off Into Smoke

I often start the day hoping that today I get it right. I also often find myself wondering what "it" is, which I am trying to get right.

Enter The Poet - With A Script

If being stupid was as complex as being in love, and being in love was as easy as being stupid; then we would have a lot more love and a lot less stupidity; mostly !

Enter The Poet - After A Dark Journey

Family can sometimes be the light on the other side of a dark forest.

Enter The Poet - Moving The Timber

Sometimes it's easier to remove the obstacles than it is to navigate them.

Enter The Poet - With Happy Returns

Never stop at a "single" good idea.

Enter The Poet - Taking The Unknown Road

If I take a chance on you, am I betting on the favorite or the long shot?

Enter The Poet - At the Correct Height

When we grow up let's mature in the mind and leave some youth for our love and life.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Solitude

I am alone in my desire and crowded everywhere else.

Enter The Poet - Like Hell

I can't change the world, I can't move the world, and I cannot create a new one. But I can "Try"!

Enter The Poet - Bleeding Through

No matter what you become for someone else, your true self will always come through; I hope that's a good thing !

Enter the Poet - Going On

-Speaking of mankind- We may not like each other but we need each other; is that a good thing or is it as sad as it seems ?

Enter The Poet - With A New Sky

The world is always brighter when we win, and always much darker when someone else does.

Enter The Poet - Far Too Late

I do not do to impress, I do because I can, and I will until I cannot!

Enter The Poet - Through The Pale Gate

Does the pressure of today make diamonds for tomorrow; for someone else? .

Enter The Poet - Feeling The Pain

So many times I have expressed and no one heard; should I feel to continue?

Enter The Poet - With Things To Say

Why is it that we can get up easy and early when we have no where to go and nothing planned? However, when we have to get up and have stuff to do, your body goes on strike along with your alarm clock !

Enter The Poet - Finding The Time

Why is it that people always ask you if you are alright and if they can help, and they can't; yet the one's who can help, don't ?

Enter The Poet - Just Like Before

For more than one time in my life I want to be the one to say that's enough!

Enter The Poet - Always Saying No

As soon as you say hello, the relationship has already begun; how are you doing so far ?

Enter The Poet - Having A Fit

People are strange. They continuously request for the truth and never willing to hear it nor accept it.

Enter the Poet - Making A Ship

There was a time when tomorrow was a time I used to seek with great anticipation; now I use the word less and understand that there are less of them to look forward to.

Enter The Poet - Working In A Coal Mine

Let's not regret the choices of today and fret the choices of tomorrow.

Enter The Poet - Defined Randomly

A Perception is an interesting item; it is specifically defined in the dictionary, yet each of us holds a different one.

Enter The Poet - Taking Judgement

I have not trusted anyone in a long time; is it safe to practice with you ?

Enter The Poet - Holding Compassion

There is not a more profound sorrow than the inability to relieve another's anguish.