
Showing posts from November, 2021

Enter The Poet - Like Every Other Day

You may often take the absolute worst route to get there, but eventually you make it to your goal.

Enter The Poet - Matching The Conclusions

The boldness of your life, is always your responsibility to express.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Common Ground

Everything isn't obvious nor common; some things need to be taught and understood.

Enter The Poet - Unexpected & Untold

I would always like to be, the person that I am; never the person, which I am told, or expected to be.

Enter The Poet - Running Out of The Circle

We can't tell the truth, and we can't lie; we have so much to say, and no way for the words to be expressed.

Enter The Poet - Very Thankful For The Time

It's a fun day,with neighbors. Family and close friends galore. A food based party, So eat up hardy Eventful; never a bore.

Enter The Poet - Along For The Ride

If Life is a journey, and we are all, but passengers; why is it so short, and why do I always fell like I am standing in place?

Enter The Poet - In A Complex Nature

I have often wondered about the nature of the universe; but, not as often as I have wondered about the nature of myself.

Enter The Poet - Less At Risk

Some days are safe for you to rest within; other days, you may wish to stay on your feet.

Enter The Poet - Without Reform

I would like to make the day into something much better; but, first I must understand what it truly is.

Enter The Poet - Clearing The Record

I would like to do more good things on purpose; just to make up for the bad things done, by accident.

Enter The Poet - Holding Onto Structure

We all need structure to survive and flourish; we just need to figure out the shape which works best for both.

Enter The Poet - Thinking Nothing New

Newer is not always better, it's just different; and different isn't a promise of success.

Enter The Poet - For The Sake of Peace

You don't always have to compromise to have peace; sometimes, you just have to agree to have peace, and keep your word.

Enter The Poet - Seeking A Common Direction

It is very difficult for everyone to agree on certain things; even, what those certain things are.

Enter The Poet - Posting Better Notices

I would like to enjoy each day, and not have any stressful moments; but, no one ever seems to get the memo.

Enter The Poet - Serving Some Notice

Sometimes the only credit you may get, is the credit that you give yourself; and that's if you even remember to provide it.

Enter The Poet - Searching For The Why

Every day can't be a great and fantastic day; I just don't know why not.

Enter The Poet - With A Known Destination

It is never too late to finish. But you must first start. It is never too late to start. But you must also know your destination.

Enter The Poet - Keeping A Word

It is never too late to keep your word. But you must first give it. It is never too late to follow through. But you must first stay on course.

Enter The Poet - First Understanding

It is never too late to be what you want. But you must first know what that is. It is never too late to do what you need. But you must first understand your necessities.

Enter The Poet - With A Clean Narrative

It is never too late to do what you've always said. But your goals must be clearly stated. It is never too late to change the narrative. But you must have a narrative to replace it.

Enter The Poet - Putting On A Straight Face

It is never too late to dream big. But you must first have a dream. It is never too late to put forth the effort. But you must still do the work.

Enter The Poet - At The Extinction of Love

To express that a love has become extinct, is to acknowledge or to express that it was once alive; a living thing. The moment of extinction can be considered the death of that essence or expression within a relationship; assuming any capacity to renew and recover has been lost at this point.

Enter The Poet - Into A Fuzzy Thought

The world and I are at odds, most of the time; I would like to be happy, the world thinks differently.

Enter The Poet - Using The Very Last Tool

Sometimes, there is no easy answer; that does not mean that there is no solution.

Enter The Poet - Avoiding The Request

When all else fails, you can give up, give out, give in, maybe blame someone; or, you might try asking for help.

Enter The Poet - Apprehending A Better Tomorrow

Tomorrow may be a better day, when compared to today; but, that does not mean that it will be the best day you will ever obtain.

Enter The Poet - Throwing Hands High

Do people around you celebrate with you, or for you? Do people relate to your troubles, or do they just feel blue?

Enter The Poet - Reaching A Dynamic Conclusion

The are many conclusions which you can make and produce; however, are any of them true or slightly correct?