
Showing posts from January, 2021

Enter The Poet - Just Trying To Move On

A grudge can be a terrible thing, it is not something to hold onto, attempt to train, nor to hold into remembrance; but, it is not to be compared to fairness, justice, or accountability.

Enter The Poet - With A Lighter Load

Some days are just pleasant to be within and to share with others; may you have a many as you can.

Enter The Poet - Timed By The Song

The things which I do are only great if they are acknowledged as such; or are they?

Enter The Poet - Dreaming Of Morning

The work is hurtful, and I care not to continue; can I be saved from my own self respect?

Enter The Poet - Asleep At Dawn

Some people don't know what to expect, simply because they don't care to know; however, those who care, simply may not understand.

Enter The Poet - Checking The List

The are many things which are needful for us to accomplish; most of them start with creating and exercising a plan.

Enter The Poet - Within The Mist

We don't always want to be in the spotlight, but everyone desires some acknowledgement.

Enter The Poet - Breathing The Free Air

I went outside for a breath and the wind tarried, but the sun glared in my eyes. Finally, a crisp, sharp gust arose, and my lungs filled in relief. I frequently forget to partake in this freedom, but I am always grateful when I do.

Enter The Poet - Unable To Justify The Claim

WHY? Our true motivation always lies within the real answer to that question.

Enter The Poet - Examining The Multiverse

A universe is not enough for some people; they seem to want yours, as well.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Heal The Infection

The wound can only heal after you remove the weapon which caused it, and cure the infection.

Enter The Poet - Watching The Clock

 Too early or too late, one day soon I would find joy in hearing that I am right on time!😶

Enter The Poet - Pushing Rising Tides

You can't dominate everyone, and you can't control every situation; but it seems that we can manipulate things like crazy.

Enter The Poet - Waiting For Water

We often tell ourselves that condition need to be right for us to succeed; maybe, instead of waiting for right circumstances, we need to seek the right people.

Enter The Poet - Written In Sand

Sometimes you have nothing to say, and the day speaks for itself.

Enter The Poet - Taking A Wild Guess

The sky is dark and wide, the stars are bright. Your eyes shine, and you are beautiful tonight.

Enter The Poet - In Brown Suede Shoes

I can pretend to be anyone you want me to be; but I will always be myself in the way I do it.

Enter The Poet - Undefined

Every so often you may need to clarify your purpose and intentions; just to ensure that your value and worth are considered.

Enter The Poet - Unfocused

Life has a way of diverting our goals and our focus from important and relevant actions; that should not prevent you from finishing those tasks.

Enter The Poet - Hoping To Intervene

If you don't learn from your mistakes, then others will eventually correct you; hopefully before damage is done.

Enter The Poet - Not Forcing The Point

If other people exist, there will always be other opinions; opinions are not facts, you have the right to have and share them, but not to force anyone to agree.

Enter The Poet - Comparing Current Actions

I have never had to tell someone who knew me, that I am a good person; but, I am not a stranger to prejudgement.

Enter The Poet - Looking Into Whataboutery

It's your history and actions which define reality, not what you or your allies perceive. If you have to say "what about" the next point should be a fact and not an opinion.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Normal

You can't let everything which happens be accepted as a new normal; some changes are necessary, and some can cause more suffering.

Enter The Poet - With Much Effort

Time after time people have sought to find fairness; maybe it's not something that consistently exists.

Enter The Poet - Going To A Better Plan

Sometimes you are simply wrong, and, some day you might acknowledge it.

Enter The Poet - Having A Greater Impact

There are times when what's expected of you is far below your standards and proficiency.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Connection

There should be a good reason to be nice to each other; but, it seems that no one has found it.

Enter The Poet - Expecting A Event

Some days, there's just no way to avoid disappoint; so expect it, and count it as an undesired anticipation.

Enter The Poet - Bright & Shining

Dawn is a beautiful time of the day; to sleep in.

Enter The Poet - Looking For A Better Purpose

You can't always have great and spectacular ideas; that no reason to have poor and unreasonable ones.

Enter The Poet - Waving A Year Good-bye

With each year that passes, memories grow fond. The bad, and the good, new friendships have spawned. We cannot turn back the clock. Doors are closed and have been locked. We must press forward, a New Year has dawned.