
Showing posts from January, 2005

Enter The Poet - Via Skateboard

It's hard to do sometimes, but let's just try to get to the point.

Enter The Poet - Through Window

Don't turn your back on your friends or one day you may find yourself in the rears.

Enter The Poet - In Slacks

The pursuit no longer holds pleasure for the hunter that has once been injured by the prey!

Enter The Poet - Quietly

I am not the man I WANT to be, I am not as bad a man as I MIGHT have been, I am not as great a man as I COULD be, but still, I am a Man!

Enter The Poet - With Hope

I once met a man with no shoes and I said, nice sneakers!

Enter The Poet - With A Double-Take

If you could go back into the past and change your mistakes, do you really think that you would have any more willpower to do the Right thing (for all of them)? ----- Now, isn't that a shame?

Enter The Poet - With Pocket PC

If you were as smart as you wanted to be, do you really think that you would have any more willpower to do the correct thing? - Isn't that a shame?

Enter The Poet - Day Dreaming

The only thing that's better than sleeping in on a Monday, is free Pizza!

Enter The Poet - In Satin

Sometimes when I am lonely I wish I could be with friends, and sometimes when I am with friends, I think, I wanted this because...???

Enter The Poet - In Deep Blue

Does your most joyous happiness outshadow your saddest sorrow? If not, what have you done to change this?

Enter The Poet - In Black

Seeking happiness can be hard and painful, but it's fun to try, and bliss if you succeed.

Enter The Poet - In Contacts

I really am a lot smarter, then I am in person.

Enter The Poet - In Dress Shirt

Why is it that we always find the things we want at the precise time we cannot have them?

Enter The Poet - In Uniform

If I told you what you wanted to hear, would you believe me, or would I have to lie? Wait, isn't that the same thing?

Enter The Poet - With A Pencil

The only thing easy to do in a relationship is mess up.

Enter The Poet - In Sunlight

It would be a great thing if mankind put all of it's resources together and built a better world; and it would be even greater if we could live together without constant conflict.

Enter The Poet - With A Stone

I sought to be responsible and sometimes found myself trapped by my vow!

Enter The Poet - With A Word

I do not think that we are yet what we could become, but rather we are merely what we thought we could be!

Enter The Poet - On A Bike

There is a word not like any other word which expresses a deep thing which is not really a thing as much as silly babble. HA! Thought I was going to be deep and serious today, huh? NOT!

Enter The Poet - On Red Carpet

When you are young and you think independently, you are an individual. When you become an adult, and you think independently, you are a non-conformist. What Happened There?!

Enter The Poet - With Book In Hand

When we see someone in need, sometimes we pass by because we cannot help them; but this is not always true.

Enter The Poet - With A Smile

Do I need a cup of coffee? No! I need more hours to SLEEP!

Enter The Poet - Crying For You

Learn from your mistakes; you'll never forget them anyway!

Enter The Poet - Thru The Curtains

If you let your friends slip away, one by one, soon you will find yourself alone as the "one"!

Enter The Poet - With A Rope

If you should cry out for help, accept it!

Enter The Poet - With His Dog

The only thing worse than laughing at a joke that you don't get, is being the only one who doesn't get it!

Enter The Poet - With A Laptop

Reality is the annoying thing that happens inbetween really great dreams!

Enter The Poet - In A Mask

We lie more often than we need or should, and tell the truth even less!

Enter The Poet - In A Plane

If you dare to feel compassion and do not speak, then your feelings will remain your own, and nothing more!

Enter The Poet - In Deep Thought

Sometimes, when you get older, you realize that the things which you took for granted, you'll never have again; Sometimes!

Enter The Poet - In Purple

We are all simply love, hate, peace, violence, good, bad, caring, inconsiderate, chaste, lustful, truthful, lying, sharing, greedy, fury, and compassion in varying degrees. This means that no one can truly know you or understand you. It is also true that you are not as much as a secret or as mysterious as you may think!