
Showing posts from December, 2010

Enter The Poet - With More Than Another Word

If we know something is wrong; will we change it.......... If we do something, is it for more than our fulfillment.......... Will our lives be the solution to the problem, or create a new one?

Enter The Poet - Testing The Ruler

How far, is way too far to continue; and when is enough, time to quit?

Enter The Poet - Writing In Real Life

Sometimes the words we want to hear, come from the wrong people, or at the wrong time.

Enter The Poet - Adjusting Internal Circuitry

Everyday is just like the one before it; when there is no longer anything to look forward to.

Enter The Poet - Simply

Some days are OK; simply when nothing at all happens within them.

Enter The Poet - At The Beginning of Today's Ending

Today is often the hardest time to define; you are never sure when it's completely started, or when it is completely ended.

Enter The Poet - Chopping A Yule Log

It's Christmastime again, at last And time, to put pettiness to past Time again, to share, love & hope To encourage peace on a large scope Imagine the happiness we could all amass

Enter The Poet - Awakened By The Dawn

Anticipation is the crowning glory of patience; it is even sweeter, when well worked plans succeed.

Enter The Poet - In The Company Of A Dragon

Refuse to let the unfortunate events in life, affect the things, which you may have the chance to enjoy.

Enter The Poet - Introducing Debussy

When you give advice, don't expect the person to heed it; only hope that they will, at least, listen and consider it.

Enter The Poet - Shining A New Promise

Each achievement in life should push you closer to your goal; provided that you have a goal, and that it doesn't keep changing.

Enter The Poet - Reciting A Poem

Some new days seem like old days; used and mistreated.

Enter The Poet - Marking Yesterday's Time

Trying to accomplish something good, should always result, in succeeding to do something good; but I do not think reality always agrees with me, on this matter.

Enter The Poet - Sad In Victory

Who are you trying to impress; the people who really don't care, or those who will accept you as you are?

Enter The Poet - Gaining Precedence

We all desire to find comfort for ourselves; how often, is it, that we provide such things?

Enter The Poet - Rocking An Idea

All we need is love; but where do you find such a thing?

Enter The Poet - Making The Point

No one can decide your true worth; that is determined by your actions, and your heart.

Enter The Poet - Building The Plan

The only thing worst than being unable to do something; is being able, and prevented from doing it.

Enter The Poet - As A Strong Dragon

Don't get in someone's face, and don't back down; somewhere in-between the two, is the right place to stand.

Enter The Poet - Studying To Learn

I can't make the day what I want it to be; and I won't let the day make me.

Enter The Poet - Clashing With Titans

The things which happen in your life, are not your life, they are merely events. How you deal with these events, which occur, is your life.

Enter The Poet - Painting The Plan

Without a positive or realistic outlook, there is only sorrow and despair left.

Enter The Poet - Without A Profile

You can search for wealth, and may find it; however, that does not mean that it will come with any fulfillment.

Enter The Poet - Boldly & Unsure

Often when you cheat others, you also cheat yourself; how deep is your debt?

Enter The Poet - Waking With The Sun

I thought deeply of what it meant to live justly in life; I have often found myself alone in such considerations.

Enter The Poet - Down The Front Stairs

You should always be rewarded for doing the right thing. Now, whom do I talk to, to make sure that happens?

Enter The Poet - Checking His Phone Messages

We all want to be remembered, and in a kind way. My goal, it to be remembered; mostly in nice ways, but remembered.

Enter The Poet - Suddenly; Once More

Nice days are fragile; please tread lightly.

Enter The Poet - Like A Nobel Laureate

I do not want to be dead before anyone appreciates or acknowledges my life.

Enter The Poet - Counting The Odd Days

Sometimes, you wonder if anyone truly cares about what you do; sometimes you wonder if you could ever really know.

Enter The Poet - Preparing The Space Heater

I don't look forward to something great happening in the future; mostly I expect it to happen at any moment.