
Showing posts from September, 2015

Enter The Poet - Walking A Little Slower

Long lonely roads are what friends were created for.

Enter The Poet - Without The Patience

The friskyness of Autumn is in the movement of the leaves, and the sting of winter is whispered in the trees. Brightly colored memories twirl and fall away, with the scent of pumpkin and spice thrown into the fray.

Enter The Poet - Under The Impression Of Weakness

True love is difficult to express, harder to impress, and quite easily distressed.

Enter The Poet - Riding A Estranged Concept

At the end of the day, what truly matters; I am simply asking the question.

Enter The Poet - Living The Dream

We all live under a big wide sky, and all we want is for our dreams to come true. Let's just hope our dreams will fit in the sky, under which, we dwell.

Enter The Poet - Like The First Day In The Week

If you finally know what you want to do with the rest of your life; then please, let the rest of us know how we can accomplish that as well.

Enter The Poet - Storming A Dirty Fence

If you decide that you must make someone your enemy; please ensure that you will not need them again.

Enter The Poet - Riding On A Windy Day

Most people don't want to make a mistake, but they are often inescapable. We spend many hours trying to avoid what we possibly cannot prevent; and we have no practice in recovering from those mistakes, until they occur.

Enter The Poet - Without A Running Mate

Everyone feels that they can do what you do, and be better at it; so why are you still the only one doing it?

Enter The Poet - Standing Clear

Some events should not find you near them; be sure to move away.

Enter The Poet - Reflecting On Past Conceptions

Good ideas become great ideas, and bad ideas become horrible ideas; and hindsight makes all of the difference.

Enter The Poet - Unscheduled & Unplanned

The day does not always go exactly as you may have planned; that does not mean that the day has gone wrong.

Enter The Poet - Running Towards A Lost Cause

Do something nice today, solely for the deed itself. Then measure if your experiment in human kindness brings any pleasant returns; remember, keep trying until it works.

Enter The Poet - Saving A Lost Thought

We have lost ourselves in the service of corporations, and we are not allowed to express our sorrow, nor our lack of freedoms. So then I must incite their disapproval, simply by expressing my free and open thoughts.

Enter The Poet - Building A New Forest Of Trust

It is often hard to trust people, and this mistrust may prove to be correct, but in time, those who are worthy of your trust, will have it; sometimes before you even realize it was given.

Enter The Poet - Adding A Coat Of Paint

Some sorrow is so heavy that you have to let it go; but letting go, does not mean forgetting.

Enter The Poet - Try To Rally Fortitude

I find myself brave enough to try new things, but not the courage enough to try new conversations.

Enter The Poet - One Word At A Time

Some people solve problems, some people create problems, and there are those who often create the problems, which they have to resolve.

Enter The Poet - Without The Decimal Point

Is the key to be profound, appreciated, or comprehended; surely, you cannot be all three.

Enter The Poet - After The Football Event

In our search to find meaning in our lives, we might try, on occasion, to do something meaningful.

Enter The Poet - Not To Give In

Sometimes the sorrow is deep, and the road unreasonably long, Friends are few, the sky looms dark, the night seems to prolong We will stay in this pit for the duration, and time will contiune to flow And when the shades of pain fade away, out from this darkness we will go

Enter The Poet - Possibly Bold Enough

All great things have a beginning, have you started yet?

Enter The Poet - Requesting A Change Of Cast

Each day, we search and strive to find the answer; but does anyone truly understand the question?

Enter The Poet - Like The Price Of Gold

It's not about speaking the words, it's about being understood; and it's only about the actions, and not the conversation, which do the most good.

Enter The Poet – With Something Old

Some roses are red Violets are not blue The day is okay It's even better with you

Enter The Poet – Playing Vaudeville

When you're traveling at full speed, pause and play almost have the same function.

Enter The Poet – Without The Stopwatch

The stars are beautiful at night, for those who have the time to notice them, and if you do not have the time to notice them, then their beauty does not matter. There are people who would argue that their beauty matters regardless; but I imagine, those are the people who have the time to notice. 

Enter The Poet – Possibly Fazed

When I woke up, I painted the world the colors that I felt it should be; but by the end of the day, all the colors had faded back to their original hue, leaving me to question, why it did not last.

Enter The Poet - Dazed, But Not Amazed

In the morning when I open my eyes, sometimes I take a moment to ponder what they may see this new day.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Implied Statement

Every now and then, I sit and consider the significance of life; that is to say, does it have any importance, and how might I find it?