
Showing posts from February, 2012

Enter The Poet - Studying The History Of The Future

Venturing into the future, knowing the past, and not heeding it's lessons; I begin to perceive, that by researching the past, I am studying the history of the future.

Enter The Poet - Elevating The Day

I seek not to be pretentious in my words; only to be heard within my thoughts.

Enter The Poet - Retracting The Speech

The Feelings are deeper, than language is able to express; and my actions, not suitable enough to impress.

Enter The Poet - Pondering An Opportunity

We spend so much time in our lives, seeking the perfect moment for an action, or event; while all along, the perfect moment may be the one in which we are currently within.

Enter The Poet - With A Twist

Sometimes you can't get what you want; and other times, you can't get what you need.

Enter The Poet - Remembering Tomorrow

If you are always dreaming about tomorrow, then you can never partake of today.

Enter The Poet - Finding Sufficient Sorrow

Never worry about life trying to bring you down; there always seem to people trying to do that task.

Enter The Poet - Sowing A Monologue

Life isn't all laughter, and it isn't all sorrow; it's not all about today, nor dependent on tomorrow.

Enter The Poet - Restless & Curious

Sometimes I think that I may be in awe; other times, I am sure I need to stir .

Enter The Post - Turning Around, Once More

Around Time passes and i watch the wind blow, i touch the sound, only to hear the echo. i feel the cold, in this clear summer day, And i find that i am lost; though i know the way. In my brave stances i hold tightly to the fear, In the happiness i hold, i often shed a tear. In all my hope, i yell and then i scream, As i seek to show compassion, i scheme. i hold onto knowledge, and lose all the proof, i strive to remain visible and become aloof. There are no contradictions, nothing is true, i follow the directions, but forgotten what to do! In the eve of oblivion, i see the dawn of time, In the presence of longing, everything is mine. In the middle of silent death i hear a living sound i look into the empty void, and see life all “Around”!

Enter The Poet - Unfolding The Plot

In life, sometimes the story is redundant; and other times, you may have to watch the story unfold.

Enter The Poet - Advancing To The Stage

Sometimes you have to step up; if you don't, you may never again have the option.

Enter The Poet - Working Under The Stage

There will be times, when you succeed, people notice, and you get credit.

Enter The Poet - Bending The Stage

You can't always determine what you are going to do with your day; but you can control how you will do it.

Enter The Poet - Walking Onto The Square Stage

The day never unfolds, in the manner, which you would expect; sometimes, it may need ironing.

Enter The Poet - Touching An Untamed Heart

Every moment in time has it's own unique feel; and every moment with you, feels great!

Enter The Poet - Without A Request

Some days can find you unprepared; or prepared, but for the wrong occurrence .

Enter The Poet - Reaching The Farthest Point

If you seek to reach the farthest star, the least you will obtain, is the closest one.

Enter The Poet - Speaking Plainly

Happiness is not an indefinite state of being; but neither is sorrow.

Enter The Poet - Over A Cloudy Moon

Not all destinations can be reached by a straight line.

Enter The Poet - Timing A Solution

Are true answers found, or are they simply accepted?

Enter The Poet - Holding A Sun's Heart

Often reality can interfere with dreams; but sometimes a dream can disrupt reality.

Enter The Poet - Walking Through Choices

Tomorrow, seems to be, too far away; and today, seems to be, too close.

Enter The Poet - Not Cosmically Aware

There are days when you are lost in thought; and then there are days, when your thoughts are lost; one of these kinds of days are productive.

Enter The Poet - Touching Screaming Skies

Break those invisible ceilings; so hard, that others will hear the noise.

Enter The Poet - Reaching Hard Dreams

Have real visions, and also make them real destinations.

Enter The Poet - Walking On Wet Sand

Let the footprints, which you leave, be ones which you would want others to follow.

Enter The Poet - Walking Elevated Roads

Not all roads are at ground level; and the ones which are, need not to be your path.

Enter The Poet - Flying With Chrome Angels

Fly however you are able; until you can fly the way which you quest.