
Showing posts from June, 2014

Enter The Poet - Jumping Towards The Breaking Glass

I have read and listened to the current news, and have studied past history; I have yet to truly understand, why do we hate each other so much.

Enter The Poet - Into The Open Circle

It's not that I am always seeking to be profound; I am simply seeking purpose.

Enter The Poet - Simply Amazing

All my words are not great enough to elevate my status, and nor are my actions; people have to care, and they have to be passionate in their concern.

Enter The Poet - In & Out Of The Office

We are often known by our faults, for we know this to be true And we may never overcome them; in the things which we do

Enter The Poet - Within Bounds

Everyone deserves to be appreciated, every so often; however, there has to be a fair reason, for which, to be appreciated.

Enter The Poet - No Longer A Seedling

The flower of my life has yet to bloom; and I am sure that I have collected enough fertilizer.

Enter The Poet - Having To Move Forward

I have tasted the day, and found it bitter; so I am seeking a seasoning to enrich the flavor.

Enter The Poet - In The Middle Of The Night

Loneliness always seems deeper when you think too much about it; and sometimes, that all we seem to do.

Enter The Poet - Into A World Apart

Humans simply seem to find more reasons to separate from each other, than to become united; how great could we be, if we reversed this effort.

Enter The Poet - Facing The Almost Certain

You will never find so many things, for which to live, until you are faced with the possibility of death.

Enter The Poet - Correcting A Glance

A pretty face, some flowers, food, and a beverage; all I need now is some companionship.

Enter The Poet - Trying Not To Be Sarcastic

Solitude is not my enemy, it's just time alone to be with myself; it's myself, for which, I have contention.

Enter The Poet - Scheduling A Dull Meeting

It's not that I have never done anything great; it's that no one has decided that what I do is great.

Enter The Poet - On A Hard Bench

Free time is only a friend to those who have activities to fill it.

Enter The Poet - Fiscally Unsure

When someone loses their love for you, where does it go? If you could find it, and bring it back, would it remain?

Enter The Poet - Lost From The Crowd

I sometimes wonder if I could care for a person in the same manner as I desire to be cared for; and how long could I maintain that state.

Enter The Poet - Give Or Take A Thought

Sandy shores, blazing heat, the wind in my face, and the waves at my feet; simply together with you!

Enter The Poet - Alone For The Day

We spend so much time concerned whether certain people care about us; are there certain people, for which, we should care for as well?

Enter The Poet - Typically Serious

There can't be a new something, until the old something is no longer valid.

Enter The Poet - Master, But Not Commander

I seek to command wisely, and create victory for the cause; all I need is a valiant cause, and those with a will to follow.

Enter The Poet - Not As Quiet As You May Think

A reach of the hand, may be all that is required; but I am far too timid to touch.

Enter The Poet - Far Between The Lines

If I ever learn that I am living on borrowed time, I am going back to the bank.

Enter The Poet - Square, But Not fair

It's only a quiet day if you don't add your own noise to it.

Enter The Poet - Holding A Solo Conference

It has to be the truth if everyone believes it; or maybe we should just research it to be sure?

Enter The Poet - One Step At A Time

The crowd does not always agree with me; even when I am it's only member.

Enter The Poet - Remembering Understanding

I don't always understand what I feel; but I feel it, and feel it strongly.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Square Things

Either you are very important or nonexistent; I just never see anything in-between.

Enter The Poet - Just Paying The Bills

Are we so restrained in our box, that we are unaware that there are other boxes around us; and that our only liberation lies in the creation of Venn diagrams?

Enter The Poet - Loud & Large

Fun is an elusive animal; everyone is seeking it, but it is mostly found randomly and unexpectedly.

Enter The Poet - In Time For Brunch

If we all wanted peace, we would have it by now.