
Showing posts from June, 2007

Enter The Poet - As Hungry As A Wolf

Don't deny me what I have earned or deserve. It's not nice, or beneficial .

Enter The Poet - Losing Charge

If I am a relevant as you insist, then display that fact with your actions.

Enter The Poet - Having Fun

Some things are far more distracting than they sometimes ought to be.

Enter The Poet - With A Digital Camera

Do you cast shadows, or shed light?

Enter The Poet - Living In The Future Past

If you ever find yourself in a state of total peace & clarity, remember it well. You "will" need it later .

Enter The Poet - Reading The Instructions

When I think about the things I did not understand as a child, I sometimes realize that I still don't understand many of those same things; but it is not for the lack of trying .

Enter The Poet - Walking All The Way

Who can you trust?

Enter The Poet - Asking To Be Reminded

Sometimes I would like to be reminded to forget the things which bring me down.

Enter The Poet - Always The Same

I matter to myself; sometimes it's the most I can say.

Enter The Poet - Waiting For The Prophet$

I strive for the things that cannot be purchased, but are hard to achieve without money .

Enter The Poet - Touching A Reflection

See me for who I am, and respect me simply for that .

Enter The Poet - Reading The Road

Some days you can just tell when you are heading the wrong way.

Enter The Poet - Begging To Differ

Is Love a permanent or temporary thing? Do you treat it that way ?

Enter The Poet - Checking The Version Number

Sometimes, offer mercy .

Enter The Poet - Up The Back Stairs

Does it matter if you are relevant in life? Yeah, I feel the same way .

Enter The Poet - Moving A Weight

Is the load you are carrying, helping you, or just loading you down?

Enter The Poet - Keeping Up To Date

If you care, state and clarify what you feel; don't expect others to guess. If they care, they will listen and work it out. If they do not, then you have your answers .

Enter The Poet - Wanting The Trophy

If I can not have what I want; what is it then, that I should settle for?

Enter The Poet - Seeking Philosophy

It is not the world which needs to change; it is the people in it.

Enter The Poet - Riding The Downtown Subway

In life, if you do not know why you are doing something, you may wish to ask yourself, should you be doing it?

Enter The Poet - Using His Degree

Sometimes it helps to stop and think; most times, it is better to think before you start .

Enter The Poet - Behind The Scenery

Do I wonder why people are the way they are, or why they are not like me?

Enter the Poet - Concealing The Hope

Often I have wondered; what makes a life, great ?

Enter The Poet - Asking For A Piece Of Life

Is it cold in here, or is it just the way that you are treating me?

Enter The Poet - Asking For A Chance

Speaking correctly, is to care about how you are heard and understood.

Enter The Poet - Working Out Of The Frame

Technology is no longer just a tool, it is a way of life; and life is getting more complicated all of the time.

Enter The Poet - Waiting For His Cue

Relationships always require work; and that work actually needs to be directed at the relationship. If it were obvious, I would not have to write it.

Enter The Poet - Reading the Second Script

Fix what you can, when you can; if you can't fix it, don't make it worse.

Enter The Poet - Ducking the Lights

Happiness is just a state of mind; but, what a thought .

Enter The Poet - Cashing In My Daylight Savings

Rise early, go to bed late, and do much inbetween!