
Showing posts from February, 2021

Enter The Poet - Affected By Words

If you hurt someone, how can you be the one who is offended?

Enter The Poet - For The Plan

Sometimes a day can totally reject the plans which you have made.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Moody

The day can go by fast, or it could drag along; the effect on you always depends on your mood.

Enter The Poet - Just For The Need

We often fight against the things which hold onto us; sometimes they are simply the things which need us.

Enter The Poet - Just For The Time

Sometimes you are a day ahead, often a day behind; but every so often, you deliver right on time.

Enter The Poet - Dreaming On Peace

Sometimes all you want is peace; but it always seems that the world wants a piece, of you.

Enter The Poet - Fearful of The Conflict

There will be times when your apprehension is valid, and well placed; there will also be times when it is unnecessary.

Enter The Poet - Shining A Little Brighter

Sometimes we do great things, sometimes they are noticed; and yet, we are simply greater for achieving them.

Enter The Poet - Wanting A Little of Each

Sometimes I am thirsty for water, and sometimes I hunger for fame; but mostly, I would like both.

Enter The Poet - Reaching For A Chunk of Glory

You would think, that in this big blue world, and timeless journey, that here would be enough hope and glory for all of us to share; at least for a while.

Enter The Poet - Finding A Groove

There are things to accomplish and things to be created; I simply want to accomplish every task which I create.

Enter The Poet - Into The Mellow

The world can be harsh, and has selected it's targets; I want to get out of range, or off the menu.

Enter The Poet - Wanting To Be Repeated and Loved

 I seem only to be a verse in a long colorful song; I can only hope that I am the chorus.

Enter The Poet - As A Darkened Point

Look to the heavens, am I visible in the night skies; do you see me, or only an absence of stars?

Enter The Poet - Maybe Out Of Reach

It seems that some people have the ability to describe the problem, explain the problem, and never see that they are part of the problem. [ To describe offers information. To explain offers knowledge.]

Enter The Poet - Doing What Was Left

Why are we never prepared to be unhappy; it's not like it doesn't happen far too often.

Enter The Poet - Provided No Option

Why is the next opportunity always far longer than I am willing to wait, and without choice?

Enter The Poet - Separately Destroyed

If I create a relationship with you, can we, at least, agree together when and how to destroy it?

Enter The Poet - Unperceived By Self

Do you have to acknowledge success to be successful, or does it work regardless of what you perceive?

Enter The Poet - Planning A Winning Game

You can't be everything to everyone, but maybe you can be the main thing to someone.

Enter The Poet - Running Against The Tide

Just because the waves knock you down, does not mean that they are stronger, nor that you should stay down.

Enter The Poet - Trapped By Choice

We should not be a prisoner of our own lives; and I am merely talking about the things which have chosen to do.

Enter The Poet - Taking It As A Slight

Not everything that is said about you is a slight against you; yet, some things are, and some people should monitor their words and their intentions.

Enter The Poet - Just Because

You can't always have what you want; I just wish I could truly explain why.

Enter The Poet - Waiting For A Stop

Sometimes life just doesn't want to give you a break, so often you have to make your own; the only real question is, what to break.

Enter The Poet - Sanding Down Rough Corners

Kindness can be a fickle thing; often hard to give, frequently hard to receive; but needed in either case.

Enter The Poet - Holding A Tender Moment

Every moment I live has it's own unique taste and feel; there are times when I cannot remember the flavor, but I cannot forget the touch.

Enter The Poet - Counting Broken Dreams

The old dreams lie in a trail of despair, unrealized and unfulfilled; I cannot restore them nor rebuild them, so everyday I choose to dream anew.

Enter The Poet - Looking For A Homeland

Is your homeland the place where you are born and raised, or the place, in which, you are welcome and accepted?