
Showing posts from September, 2023

Enter The Poet - Lowest in Priority

People can often guess what they mean to you by what you do, and what you don't do with them; they can also measure their priority by what you choose, instead of them.

Enter The Poet - With A Hopeful Day

It seems that each day, we are striving to get, do, or achieve something; maybe today, is that day.

Enter The Poet - Arisen For The Occasion

 Sometimes you have to rise above the fear, and take a chance; that's if you want more out of life.

Enter The Poet - Fixing The Wrong Issues

We all have issues; the key is finding out what they are, and being willing to fix them.

Enter The Poet - Barely Aware, Mostly

Sometimes my actions seem very circular; I am trying to find things in life to make me happier, so that I can find a happier life.

Enter The Poet - Spending Time Wisely

It is always great having some free time; it can be just as great, or better, to share it with someone.

Enter The Poet - Looking At Fun

It is important that we pay attention to how people treat us; it is also, very important, to pay attention to how we treat them, as well.

Enter The Poet - Dreading The Afternoon

Moment to moment, and day to day; Time slips from within my grasp. And each and every day; this broken heart, I have to mend and reclasp.

Enter The Poet - Being Around

I want to question existence, but who could correctly provide an answer. I want to change the past, but I have no time machine. I want to know the future, but I am changing it every moment I live. I want to understand all of my relationships, but they won't comply. I have everything under control; except, that which, is not within my power.

Enter The Poet - Changing Pace

The world is a great place; so I have been told. I want to know this as fact, but I am not bold. People can be nice; but, it's not always the case, So, wherever they can be kind; I would like that place.

Enter The Poet - In Search For Better

We always seem to be on the lookout for someone or something to make our lives better; yet, how do we define better, and is it something that we can find?

Enter The Poet - Thinking A Little Freely

I have a mind of my own; I still can't control what I feel, nor get what I want.

Enter The Poet - Into The Background

Most days we confront the day, by hiding our fears and misgivings; some of us, are not always good at hiding things.

Enter The Poet - With A Better Appraisal

As I get older, I find that the things, which I know about myself, are completely inaccurate; I am trying to make a better reassessment.

Enter The Poet - Not Really Understanding

I think it's hard to understand the actions of others, simply because we don't totally understand our own actions.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Be Stable

From time to time, I gaze upon the night sky; in its vastness, I find my measure.

Enter The Poet - For A New Series

We live within a series of moments; please be careful, how you live them, and how you treat the people you choose to share them with.

Enter The Poet - In The Midst

 Often, you need to be active in your life, to encourage it to go, in the manner you may wish for it to go.

Enter The Poet - Wondering All Of The Time

I frequently wonder if I am doing the right thing; and I frequently find myself wondering what is the right thing.

Enter The Poet - Scheduled For Next Week

You can't plan out every day of your life; Life has its own schedule, and it doesn't seem to like interference or changes.

Enter The Poet - Pacing In A Circle

People are never exactly what you wish for them to be; you just have to find a way to deal with what you get.

Enter The Poet - Enjoying A Day

Some days are like every other day; until, you screw it up.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Awaken

Every day, in which, I improve myself, is another day, in which, I find more of my faults.

Enter The Poet - Gathering The Pieces

Are we in search of a better time, a better place, or better relationships; hopefully, not all of the above.

Enter The Poet - Unwanting Failure

If I never get what I want, I will never be satisfied; however, if I do get what I want, that does not assure happiness.

Enter The Poet - Popping Balloons

Sometimes, if you get rid of all the bad intentions, only the good ones are left; hopefully.

Enter The Poet - Looking Upside-down

I don't believe that I am looking for the answers in the right place; however, no one has a map, and no one else is providing any answers.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Possibilities

  In some cases, opportunities are rare, but they still happen; so stay alert, and don't miss any of yours.

Enter The Poet - Patiently Waiting

Some days, I am waiting for things to change; while others days, I am simply waiting for the chance to change things.

Enter The Poet - With Some Resolve

You cannot change people, and yet, we often try, and we try because we care; but is that enough?