
Showing posts from March, 2021

Enter The Poet - Boldly Despondent

Life often seems like a battle; attacking and leaving devastation in it's wake. I would like my life to more romantic-comedy, and less crime drama.

Enter The Poet - Incompletely

 I am both know and unknown; hopefully by the right people.

Enter The Poet - Into The Fullness

Can I make today a full as it is able to become? Have I experienced life in full, or am I now numb?

Enter The Poet - Just Doing

What a strange world; you shouldn't always do what everyone else wants you to do, and you can't always do what you wish to do, either.

Enter The Poet - Traveling To An Adventure

I want all of my travels to be safe, and all of my companions to be pleasant; or at least friendly.

Enter The Poet - Making Justified Moves

It is important, that our own actions don't cause us more harm than the spiteful intentions of others.

Enter The Poet - Taking A Moment

Don't try to move forward, so fast, that you don't have enough time to evaluate your present state; and then learn from it.

Enter The Poet - Seeking To Unknow

Knowing the answer does not always ease the pain; and hopefully, it doesn't make it worse.

Enter The Poet - Prepared For Events

You can't prepare for everything, but you can, at least, prepare for some things.

Enter The Poet - Riding Invisible Waves

Sometimes you have to take risks, but sometimes the risks take you with them.

Enter The Poet - Made of Class

I seem to be making a living, but it doesn't seem to be the living, in which, I would like to reside.

Enter The Poet - Altering The Clock

You may not be able to manipulate time; but people, that's a completely different matter.

Enter The Poet - Wanting A Reason To Dance

Sometimes I just want to celebrate, or at the least have a reason for doing such.

Enter The Poet - Running In Place

I can't seem to move forward, have no desire to go back, and I don't belong on either side.

Enter The Poet - Wanting To Stop The Clock

It all seems to be a matter of time, and there never seems to be enough of it.

Enter The Poet - With Faulty Measurements

 If my day to day is a measure of my worth, I really need to find a new ruler.

Enter The Poet - Recording History

You can neither stop nor fight against history; you can only become part of it.

Enter The Poet - Reaching For Commentary

I always seem to be reaching for the words which describe my state of being; you would imagine that these words would reside on the same level.

Enter The Poet - Dwelling on Heavier Matters

The day seems so empty and plain; yet, so filled with tension and pain.

Enter The Poet - Forgetting The Liability

Sometimes I don't know the right words to say, so I say them anyway.

Enter The Poet - With The Difference

They say a day can make all of the difference; however, I believe that a person with a plan, the motivation, the ability, and a day, makes the difference.

Enter The Poet - Holding It In Place

Some days just serve as active placeholders for the following day; which also seem like the same exact thing.

Enter The Poet - Breaking Free From Yesterday

I live for the day, when I will no longer fret about the days ahead; nor need to tarry over days which have past.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Substantial Solace

I think that most people don't want to just exist, but to thrive; the matter, at which, most of us diverge, is to what extent.

Enter The Poet - Metaphorically Mortified

I am often metaphorically mortified at the mediocrity of my metaphysical meandering within the confines of my menial existence.

Enter The Poet - Hoping For A Rest

When you are at the back of the pack, resting doesn't help your situation, but neither does it change it.

Enter The Poet - Not Wanting To Be Forgotten

The longer I live, the more I understand, that you have to first be remembered, before you can ever be forgotten.

Enter The Poet - Wondering How

You don't need to understand everything; but you need to understand something.

Enter The Poet - No Longer Being Here

Here, never seems to be the place we have chosen to be; but the place where we have often found ourselves to have been.

Enter The Poet - Temporarily Contained

As I peer through the opening in my contained world, I see the beauty of the worlds which I cannot yet reach.

Enter The Poet - Understanding Nothing

If I cannot express what I feel, doesn't that mean that you don't want to know; and if you don't want to know, what does that mean?

Enter The Poet - Softly Spoken

All my words are daggers to you, even if I speak them softly; I am sorry, if I feel a need to express my pain.