
Showing posts from August, 2015

Enter The Poet - Parallel To The Universe

There is nothing wrong with the night, just some of the things within it.

Enter The Poet - Holding Back Words

The edge is often closer than you realize;  sometimes you might want to back off.

Enter The Poet - Ahead Of The Wake

As you walk in the devastation of the aftermath, learn from this now past event; use this moment to collect and develop better strategies for the future.

Enter The Poet - Frozen; And Not Like The Movie

Sometimes you have to stop and reanalyze your choices; otherwise life will do it for you.

Enter The Poet - Riding Side Saddle Without A Horse

The world does not have to be the hard cold place that it often turns out to be; but is that our problem?

Enter The Poet - On A Mountain Picnic

The day is young, and the night is strong Yet we sometimes wonder, do we belong

Enter The Poet - Without A Clear Train Of Thought

If your world is held together by your fruitful thoughts, what happens when your thoughts become barren?

Enter The Poet - Clearing Out Bad Fruit

Either it all matters, or none of it matters; which of these puts you in a better mood. Because, if only some of it matters, then I know that I am concentrating on the wrong things.

Enter The Poet - Without A Binding Thought

Sometimes the biggest message is in the silence.

Enter The Poet - With A Defined Limp

It's a long day when you have to stand alone; even longer when no one is in concern for you.

Enter The Poet - Almost Truly Convinced

Nothing is certain until it is over and finally completed; at that point, you can only try to hazard a guess about what truly occurred.

Enter The Poet - Hotter Than Ice

Failure has a way of helping you keep perspective; developing the opinion within you, that it is something that you would never like to see again.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Cold Water

When the contents of your heart are finally exposed, will your friends be surprised, or will you be?

Enter The Poet - Bright As A Light

Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend; but everyone who disagrees with you, is definitely someone you should watch.

Enter The Poet - Coded For Justice

Some ideas are truly brighter and smarter than others; but who is rightfully the ‎judge?

Enter The Poet - Dealing With The Lack Of Controversy

The weather changes at a pace slightly slower than people.

Enter The Poet - Out Of The Dark Fog

People are hard to understand, we don't want to be alone, but we don't like crowds; we want to get to know people better, but we rather not be bothered.

Enter The Poet - Within The Expected Time

Sometimes the day can be much longer than it has a right to be.

Enter The Poet - Changing Email Servers

Before you can coordinate activities with someone, you may need to synchronize priorities.

Enter The Poet - Willing To Do The Research

We each know what comprises a bad day for us; however, what are the ingredients of a good one?

Enter The Poet - At The Edge Of The Blue Sea

The future looks to be grand; for those of us who can reach it.

Enter The Poet - From The Deep Right

I know that you do not understand, nor fret about my hardships; but that does not mean that you should provide me with more.

Enter The Poet - With No Significant Thought

Sometimes you will need to question the wisdom of others; while at other times, there will be nothing to question.

Enter The Poet - Without A Crazy Debate

We marvel at the sands of time, and at the light, which passes through our eyes We crave the attention of those who care; if we could simply get pass all the lies

Enter The Poet - Down A Cobblestone Lane

It's nice when people are nice; it's even better when they do it on purpose.

Enter The Poet - Rising Before The Occasion

The day remains perfect, even if we do not.

Enter The Poet - At A Loss For Letters

My good friends always tell me to be careful; I am full of care, I just have a tendency not to use it.

Enter The Poet - Falling Out Of Broken Promises

We try to see beyond our world, and feel the pain of others, but our hearts are hard with indifference; so we close our eyes, and pass on these concerns, because it's our deference.

Enter The Poet - In The Brilliance Of Day

As I watch the splendor of the night wither away into the sunrise, and I watch the brilliance of the day faint into the sunset; I start to realize, that the darkness and the light rise and fall in a similar manner.

Enter The Poet - Without Words To Print

As an artist I am aware that not everything I create will be priceless, but neither will it be worthless.

Enter The Poet - Lacking In Social Power

The voice of wisdom can either be hard to hear, or hard to abide by; but most often, it's both.