
Showing posts from September, 2018

Enter The Poet - Swimming In A Pool Of Doubt

I can only remember that I chose to forgot.

Enter The Poet - After The Understudy

There need to be lines first; before I can read in-between them.

Enter The Poet - Understanding The Architecture

I don't need to scale the building to get to the top; I just need to find the stairs.

Enter The Poet - Without The Support Of Fans

Things may not go exactly as planned; but that's how everything goes.

Enter The Poet - Watching The Performance

Sometimes I can't tell if my life is a sad drama, or a tragic comedy; either way, I don't think I like it.

Enter The Poet - Performing The Dance

Sometimes my mind wanders; maybe I'll get it a G.P.S.

Enter The Poet - Cutting To The Chase

We can wait for fun, or we can create fun; but either way we still have to participate to have fun.

Enter The Poet - Posing A Thought

How well are you held together; and how do you know for sure?

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Title

I hope I never find myself accepting a lie as the truth; and then try to defend it.

Enter the Poet - Updating The Modification

Maybe it's not that it's cold outside; maybe we are just cold inside.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Determine The Sort Order

There's something about you; sweet, pleasant and kind. This may be the reason, you are constantly on my mind.

Enter The Poet - Meaning To Say

I am not trying to find the meaning of life; I am trying to add meaning into my life.

Enter The Poet - On The Redundant Side

I wouldn't have it any other way; well, unless I could.

Enter The Poet - Meeting Success

Sometimes the expected is just what you think it should be; but most times, it's not.

Enter The Poet - In The Way

Sometimes the thought of something happening interferes with it happening.

Enter The Poet - Not To Be Alone

We can all sing, and we can all dance; but some of us do it well.

Enter The Poet - Into The Pool

I seek coolness away from the sun; seeking desperately for shade. If I find none in the natural world, then somehow it must be made.

Enter The Poet - Sounding The Beat

One day I will be like a piper, leading people up the way. And the ones with the empty words, will have none to say.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Crazy

Am I crazy to ask people to forgive my mistakes; or am I crazy to expect them to?

Enter The Poet - Looking For Support

It's nice to be remembered, and it's better to be remembered for who you really were.

Enter The Poet - Closing The Gap

We all need a time and a place to reflect; and, of course, something to reflect about.

Enter The Poet - Owning The Conversation

It's not what you do, it's when and why you do it; and maybe for who.

Enter The Poet - Earlier Than Expected

What are you expecting, when and how? And if you meet all expectations, what does it all mean?

Enter The Poet - Ruling The Vastness Of Nothing

Some days you are out there all by yourself with no one to help; you probably deserve it.

Enter The Poet - Taking The Steep Path Forward

No one told you to do it, and no one told you to like it. Which makes no one the cause of this whole situation. Sometimes, I wish no one would mind their own business.

Enter The Poet - Without Using An Excuse

Mostly I try not to speak things which I do not believe, and I try to live like I believe the things which I do speak.

Enter The Poet - Frowning In The Spotlight

Some days the questions are bigger than the answers. Other days the answers simply don't make sense or help in any way.

Enter The Poet - Bright As A Cloudy Day

With a whisper of sadness, I can hear the wind blow. But will the sorrow linger in my heart; I do not know.

Enter The Poet - Into A Dull Scene

I could tell you how I really feel; but then I would have to write about it.

Enter The Poet - Reasoning With Foolishness

When we are seeking our freedom, do we know what we are seeking it from, and will we know when we have acquired it?