
Showing posts from February, 2020

Enter The Poet - Walking Up To The Edge

It may be that I walk on the edge just to have a clear understanding of where it is located.

Enter The Poet - Unable To Disguise The Pain

Sometimes it's difficult to hide your frustrations; but, really who's paying attention, and why don't they speak up?

Enter The Poet - Deep Enough To Be Worth The Effort

Some people only care about the outside, and never take time to dig deeper; understand, that is all they will ever have.

Enter The Poet - Ruling The Evening

Once you actually figure out what will make you content, you need to make the effort to make it yours.

Enter The Poet - Being The Humorous One

There is a difference between telling a joke and being one; it's all about the audience.

Enter the Poet - Into The Glorious Morning

Doing the right thing is good for some people; for others, it's the only thing.

Enter The Poet - In Quite The Same Way

Time will tell, it always does; we just don't know exactly when, how, or what it might say.

The Poet Enters - Without Anyone Noticing

Every good idea deserves an opportunity to live; some people are determined to destroy them all before they get the chance.

Enter The Poet - Hoping A Noise May Be Joyful

The sound is happy and bounces within my ears; I just hope it stays that way when it reaches my brain.

Enter The Poet - Hitting A Bitter Note

I always try to get to the point; it's just that no one is ever there to get it.

Enter The Poet - Wasting As Much Time As Required

The beat is rapid, and Time marches on; we will have to resolve this issue on the go.

Enter The Poet - With The Wind At His Back

Everyone needs the time to sit and create; and some have the ability to complete the task.

Enter The Poet - Rocking The Beat

Back and forth, to and fro, sways the rhythm of the music. Abiding my time, waiting for the exact moment I can use it. 

Enter The Poet - Clearly, But Not Presently

Some days are truly long and hard, And trials too difficult to disregard.

Enter The Poet - Into The Middle Of A Damp Fog

We can't always determine the correct path; sometimes we need a better map, and better judgement.

Enter The Poet - Into The Dark Of Daylight

I would like to think that we all strive for great things; that's what I'd like to think.

Enter The Poet - With Positive Expressions

Not everything is nice nor positive; but everything doesn't have to be negative.

Enter The Poet - Unlikely To Commit

If I say what I feel, I don't believe anyone will hear nor understand; if I say nothing at all, I only make it a fact.

Enter The Poet - Swayed Into A Decision

It isn't your choice to make; it is simply your duty.

Enter The Poet - Ending The Beginning

Sometimes, you really want things to last, and other times, you really want them to end; often, there's a cost for either eventuality.

Enter The Poet - Working Without Profit

How do you get to the end of a road which always changes direction?

Enter The Poet - Dwelling On The Simple Answers

If you hear the answer to the question which you are asking, does it matter if it is true and you don't like it?

Enter The Poet - Lost In The Paradox

People seem to no longer search for the truth, but seem more likely to ignore it.

Enter The Poet - Rocked By The Reality

I am unmoved about the mountain of lies; but I am unnerved by the lack of reaction.

Enter The Poet - Honestly Misquoted

Some people are full of ideas, but not full of action.

Enter The Poet - One Letter At A Time

What is it about the future that we fear, and what is it that we fear, that it can only happen in the future?

Enter The Poet - Pretending To Be Known

Some people want to be known for who they are; while others want to be known for who they pretend to be.

Enter The Poet - With Much Better Choreography

Everyone responds differently to the music which they hear; it may be advantageous, for us, to learn more moves.

Enter The Poet - Knowing The Game And Not Breaking The Rules

If I cannot cheat, and must always play fair, then I will need to help design the guidelines.