
Showing posts from July, 2021

Enter The Poet - Walking Through Denial

It's not a perfect day, but it's a good one. Now, just let me relax, in the shining sun.

Enter The Poet - Planning A Thought

Sometimes you have to plan the thoughts of the day; long before the day creates thoughts of it's own.

Enter The Poet - Weeping In Silence

Some things hurt more than others; but, the thing is, they both hurt.

Enter The Poet - Without Dialog

You can't change people, nor can you always make them happy; well, that's the problem.

Enter The Poet - Pushing Towards Something Like A Goal

Let us not cease to develop and to grow into better people; the only other options are to stay the same or become worse.

Enter The Poet - Killing Time

There are things to do, and many places to go; so get up, go to those places, and do those things.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Ideal

Things change all of the time, that's just a simple fact; changing for the better, that's just a slight possibility.

Enter The Poet - Out & About

It's a pretty nice day; soft breeze, and the sun is out. Driving to your favorite songs, it's great to be about.

Enter The Poet - With A Nice Snack

Sometimes, in order to relax, you need to resolve the problem; often, you simply need to take the time.

Enter The Poet - Looking For An Acceptable Reaction

The only thing which is truly unfair, is the knowledge of inequity, without an acknowledgement nor a response.

Enter The Poet - Hard Around The Edges

Often, I would like to be considerate about the feeling of others; however, others very rarely provide me with the reason or desire.

Enter The Poet - Never Being

It is one matter to feel, as if, you have not attained your destination in life, and a whole other matter to ponder if you have ever started the journey.

Enter The Poet - Through The Pain

There are many things, in life, which can cause pain and heartbreak; I have no desire to know them any better.

Enter The Poet - Reported Missing

There are times when life can be a real drag; feel free, to try to break loose.

Enter The Poet - Expecting A Response

Sometimes people listen, and sometimes people respond; sometimes.

Enter The Poet - Reaching Out

I wish the range of my outreach was greater, and I had the words to fill the span.

Enter The Poet - Relativity Speaking

There is never any time like the present; simply because, it immediately becomes the past.

Enter The Poet - Into A Personalized Dispute

Personalized news and information seems to be a perfectly reasonable concept; however, personalized misinformation is definitely a very poor substitute.

Enter The Poet - Without Deep Thought

There are days when I simply want everything to go my way; also, I would like to be going in the right direction, as well.

Enter The Poet - A Little Dusty

Sometimes it doesn't matter how neat and clean you make your life; the dust and nonsense from others around will find a way to sneak in.

Enter The Poet - Seeking The Wrong Time

I can't always do the right thing at the right time; but, I seem to be an expert at doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Enter The Poet - Seeking The Right Time

Sometimes, we are here for the day; yet, out for a moment. Have many fantastic opinions, but are unable to comment.

Enter The Poet - Hoping For Sunshine

We often go around seeking for hope and light, to help us and save the day; there will be times when we ourselves are the hope and light, which we seek.

Enter The Poet - Sideways

Sometimes you may not be looking at a situation or a problem at the right angle for solution; a different approach may be needed, or required.

Enter The Poet - Infrequently Comprehending

Opportunities are like quiet moments of understanding; they may not come frequently, but once you have them, use them wisely.

Enter The Poet - Watching The Seconds Pass

Time passes, whether we notice or not; just make sure you are doing something worth the cost.

Enter The Poet - Trending Without A Following

For those people, who don't follow the crowd, there will be times when they will be amazed; they may, one day, find themselves within the crowd, which they have created.

Enter The Poet - Inside The Moment

I never seem to have what I want; nor want, what I might be able to have.

Enter The Poet - Wondering About The Day

Days are not always as simple as they appear, nor as complex as we can make them.

Enter The Poet - Fortified With Hope

We should all know and understand what we are capable of doing; and we should always expect everyone, to request of us, that which, we cannot.

Enter The Poet - Unsuspectingly

Sometimes you are unready, and sometimes you are unprepared to be unready!