
Showing posts from December, 2014

Enter The Poet - Brave, But Not Bold

There are few people or things, which help eliminate or reduce grief; we should take the time to appreciate all of them.

Enter The Poet - With Apples And Cider

A day can change many things, but not everything; some things may also need your input.

Enter The Poet - In A Room Of Empty Boxes And Wrapping

Ponder on the day, and ponder on the worth of life, but make the most of both; you only get this brief occasion.

Enter The Poet - Adjusting Loose Bulbs

A Step and a Day, and I am still in dismay; I want to abandon this fray, and walk my own way.

Enter The Poet - In A Two Horse Sled

Holidays are for friends and family; so please keep the peace, so that you will be able to share in it.

Enter The Poet - Fighting Snowballs

Onward and forward the days creep towards the year's end; will we be smarter, stronger, more kind, and more of a friend?

Enter The Poet - On A Christmas Day

We look for "Jolliness", and "Pleasant Spirits" to abound, In the mad rush of shopping, there were none to be found. We seek for "Good Cheer", "Kindness", and some "Mercy", It's the time of year where compassion is the key. Each year goes by, and I think "Good Will" may have lost,   Peace on Earth is the last outpost we can one day envision. But all these positive attributes should be maintained at all cost.

Enter The Poet - With A Silver Bell

A lovely night, followed by a wonderful day. Friendly neighbors, and children at play. Each moment brings us closer together. One of the few days we don't mind the weather.

Enter The Poet - Even Before

With great anticipation, wonder, and glow, the children wait impatiently; you should already know.

Enter The Poet - Bewildered In The Multitude

We want others to be more decent towards us; if we were more decent, wouldn't we be the other person to others?

Enter The Poet - With A Question About Winter

We have all complained about being too cold from time to time, due to the weather; but there is no colder place than being with uncaring people.

Enter The Poet - Hopefully A World Apart

Each day we wake, we wonder what the day will bring; but the real question is, what have we brought over from yesterday.

Enter The Poet - Holding A Free Thought

Sometimes you need to have a moment to yourself; as stated by everyone who walks up to you.

Enter The Poet - Balancing The Canoe

You can't rock the boat without falling into the water, and you can't get the shore fast enough; sounds like a metaphor to me.

Enter The Poet - Only To Evolve

If you don't evolve with the times, you become a fossil and then used for fuel.

Enter The Poet - Half Empty

Surprises come in all sizes; and many would say too often unpleasant ones.

Enter The Poet - Full & Spirited

Sometimes when you can't find the energy, you may have to send out a search party.

Enter The Poet - Freed And Lost In Thought

What can you get from avoiding effort? Freedom from failure, and loss of success.

Enter The Poet - Removed From The Subject

Take the day for a ride; I am sure that it could use the company.

Enter The Poet - Bright, But Dimly Lit

Once you have a measure of things for which you have striven for, what further do you seek, and how do you process those desires?

Enter The Poet - Acknowledged

Invisibility only lasts for a time, no matter how long that time extends, a thing, does not truly exist until it is detected; until that time, it is simply a fantasy, a fiction, a theory, or all of the above.

Enter The Poet - Included In The Popular Crowd

We cannot avoid sorrow, and we cannot know happiness without it; in the contrast between the two we find our measure.

Enter The Poet - In A Ring Of Roses

Great loss is around the corner, side by side with great success; how can we meet one, and avoid the other?

Enter The Poet - Reaching And Not Finding A Hand Grip

Real love is stupid, lots of incredibly hard work and sacrifice; and we just can't find enough of it.

Enter The Poet - Holding A Blank Flag

I always thought that I had value, simply because I was a person; I believe that was a false reality.

Enter The Poet - Looking For The Glow

We plan for the future, but we don't understand our past; so how can we not falter in our goals.

Enter The Poet - Fighting For Free

Not all battles are worth engaging, and not all wars are winnable; but it always seems that you can choose your battles, but not your wars.

Enter The Poet - Like A Dog Howling

Not everyone can be like you; but hopefully, there are those who would wish to be.

Enter The Poet - With A Valued Life

Sometimes fairness is just a matter of net worth.

Enter The Poet - On A High Horse

The world is full of victim and bullies, we should avoid the bullies; but not become victims.

Enter The Poet - Onto A Cluttered Stage

Sometimes the stage only needs to be altered, instead of needing to be filled.