
Showing posts from December, 2011

Enter The Poet - Stating What Is Knowable

Every word cannot be a pearl of wisdom; nor can every phrase be a joke.

Enter The Poet - Faster Than Time

Days anticipated arrive slower than a snail, and pass faster than the speed of light.

Enter The Poet - Taking A Daily Nap

If we did everything which was required of us, I am sure that the list would automatically lengthen.

Enter The Poet - Not Trying To Be A Commercial

I only have good things to say about you; because the bad things won't help me.

Enter The Poet - After & Before

I am lucky that I have never lost any friends; but I may have misplaced a few, now and then.

Enter The Poet - Hoping For The Words

Perspective should never be the determining aspect of an event; but often it is the dominating portrayal.

Enter The Poet - With A Merry Little Thought

Christmas morning is here at last Forgive the mistakes, and the past Let old joys once more be surpassed Let family and friends, again be amassed Today, is one of hope and good cheer A day of love, not for sorrow or fear Let disappointment fade in contrast For this day, no one should be downcast.

Enter The Poet - On Another Eve

If you are reading this on a cell phone, in the middle of a mall; we are hoping that the gift is worth the time you are spending away from us.

Enter The Poet - Hanging With A Dragon

Having lots of friends can be great; but having lots of true friends, trumps all.

Enter The Poet - Seizing The Night

Be the shining star in the night; just don't shine into tomorrow's headlines.

Enter The Poet - Without Old Friends

There will be times in your life, when you will be alone; and there will be times, in your life, when you will simply "feel" alone.

Enter The Poet - On The Road, And Wondering Why

"On The Road Again", is a great song; but best practiced, not during the shopping season.

Enter The Poet - Not Knowing Nick

When a person truly gives freely, of their own will; it's always better for everyone involved.

Enter The Poet - Almost Rationally

A grudge is merely a temporary pet; you should not find yourself raising one for decades.

Enter The Poet - Perfectly Open

If you have decided not to be happy, until everything is perfect; then you will never know happiness.

Enter The Poet - Tasting Rice Wine

Some things can be left untried; while other things simply can't be denied.

Enter The Poet - Not Faltering

Some goals are just too big to accomplish; today.

Enter The Poet - Not Being A Crab

There are times, when even a comedian, takes a break from laughter.

Enter The Poet - Holding The Dragon

There are ways of defending your dignity, without destroying the dignity of others.

Enter The Poet - Shaving Twice

If it's worth doing once, enjoy it; but don't push your good fortune.

Enter The Poet - Establishing Insignificance

What makes a person truly matter in existence; and do you possess it?

Enter The Poet - Writing In Blue Pencil

True freedom allows you to reside within the consequences of your decisions.

Enter The Poet - Weathering The Joy

There can be times when good news is so overwhelming, that it may feel like a burden; we should always be so unfortunate.

Enter The Poet - Coloring A Doubt

Sometimes the road ahead may be straight; but it's so long that pending danger, may be rendered invisible to perception.

Enter The Poet - Shouldering Blue Clouds

Some days you will be sad, appropriate it; happier days will be so much richer from the task.

Enter The Poet - Following An Audience

Sometimes you follow the crowd, but most times you should simply watch the crowd.

Enter The Poet - With A New Choice

You are Master of your ship, but you own neither paddle nor boat.

Enter The Poet - Seeking A Cheese Burger

You are never truly hungry, until you turn down a meal.

Enter The Poet- With Zero Conflicts

If you find yourself troubled, but not in a struggle with anyone else; then the actual conflict is within, and you may be losing.

Enter The Poet - Raining On No Parades

Getting a compliments is always nice, unless it's from an unexpected person; then everything goes all weird.

Enter The Poet - Sounding Off; But On Key

I may not know everything, and I may not totally understand life, and I may not resolve unknown mysteries, but I do know this; I think I need to study more.