
Showing posts from October, 2006

Enter The Poet - Being Silly

I had a friend who once reached up and grabbed a star; then a bouncer came over and made him let go.

Enter The Poet - Thinking Way Too Deep

A job is not complete until it decides to be.

Enter The Poet - Making Stone

Sometimes life is like an approaching cloud; you never know the shape it will take until it's upon you.

Enter The Poet - Pushing The Moon

Notice your surroundings; they may not be as beautiful somewhere else.

Enter The Poet - In Starlight

Today was a great day...for someone; it sure wasn't me.

Enter The Poet - Doing Good

There are good season and there are different seasons; the only bad ones are the ones which you do not try to adapt to.

Enter the Poet - Taking It Slowly

The Best is yet to come, or we just missed it; I can't tell by the way things are going !

Enter the Poet - With Room To Grow

I'm just trying to the best I can with what I have! Aren't we all?

Enter The Poet - With Soft Music

My mood is not always blue; sometimes it's darker.

Enter The Poet - With The Mighty Wind

Maybe I do know what I am doing.... sometimes ...

Enter the Poet - Catching The Sky

Yesterday I caught a piece of the sky; or maybe it was just a piece of my soul .

Enter The Poet - Clapping With the Song

Why would someone share their heart with you? I hope the answer isn't too hard to find.

Enter The Poet - Begging Happiness

There is nothing else left to tell you once the truth is expressed; but will you accept it?

Enter The Poet - Knowing

If you had your life to do all over again, would you be a better person?

Enter The Poet - Gathering The Clouds

When I say that you don't know me; it only means don't know me.That does not mean that you are not welcomed to do so.

Enter The Poet - Changing The Oil

Sometimes I just want to have a good day; nothing too great just a good day .

Enter The Poet - Jumping Backwards

If you were honest and real, and people around you were not, would your actions be perceived for what they truly are?

Enter The Poet - Walking Sideways

Sometimes it's not the amount of work you do; it's the quality !

Enter The Poet - Seeking Autumn

Life is like a box of chocolates; you know where everything is, and what everything is by looking at the diagram. And just when you have a plan for what you want to do, someone takes your favorite piece, and screws up the rest of the box while doing so!

Enter The Poet - Holding A Stray Bullet

Happiness is a fleeting thing, catch it, embrace it, glow with it, and remember it!

Enter The Poet - Playing Darts

Think carefully about what you want in life, and chose a directed path towards that goal. Over time and after great effort you will reach the location of your quest. Only to find that it is no longer applicable or relevant .

Enter The Poet - Fixing The Goal

I hate wanting something I can't have, or worst yet, having something I am not sure I want.

Enter The Poet - Going Back A Season

I think Fall is a season to remind us to get up and try again.

Enter The Poet - Onto The Drag Strip

Try to maintain at least one friend in life; you will need them !

Enter The Poet - Admiring The Time

Decisions which are made for you, can oft be against you.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Java

The funny thing about looking for stuff is, if it wasn't lacking in your life, you would not be seeking to find it.

Enter The Poet - Drinking Coffee

Sometimes it's rocky, and sometimes it's beautiful; sometimes, it's both.

Enter The Poet - Marching In The Storm

Sometimes there is much to say, and other times there is far too much to say. And as always, it just needs to be said.

Enter The Poet - With A Polished Stone

Some things are simple and some thing are complicated. So why does it seem that, generally, most things are simply complicated?

Enter The Poet - Shunting The Circuit

I may not be perfect, but.....hmmmm... But, nothing. I am not perfect; I should not have to explain the repercussions of that fact .

Enter The Poet - Saving To Disk

Sometimes Life can be perfectly beautiful; it's a shame that those times can be so quickly over-ridden by turmoil!