
Showing posts from October, 2014

Enter The Poet - Walking And Possibly Alive

The night has a chill; streets full, little faces quite pale, The shrill of screaming, laughter, or possibly a wail, Friends are unknown, dressed in strange attire, Ghosts hang about; pumpkins glow with candle-lit fire Treasure amassed by your crew, will be tomorrow's tale

Enter The Poet - Burning, And Being Quenched

What makes a person great, and how do you measure the value of a life; the answers will be found when the questions are no longer a controversy.

Enter The Poet - Out Without A Destination

It a soft touch to the cheek and a gentle spoken word; it is the call of a tender voice. The longing of closeness and the hum of whispers and giggles. Warm and vibrant touches and all encompassing gazes; the components of a new beginning.

Enter The Poet - Up, Up And Away; From Passion

The truth is present and clearly visible, but no one sees it, the truth is discernible, but no one understands; the lie has become the truth, and it is accepted and rationalized.

Enter The Poet - Down This Wind Blow Trail

What happened to the love, and what happened to the dream; were they both the same, and simultaneously melted away?

Enter The Poet - Wanting To Go Home

I have lost what I used to have, I can't have what I want, I can't keep what I do have, and don't know what is yet to become mine.

Enter The Poet - Too Small To Fail

If you have many resources, and are well known, you are important to many, but if are unknown with few resources, few are invested in your failure, or your success; does that make you less important?

Enter The Poet - Saying It Isn't So

What's the difference between an argument, and a discussion; the winner.

Enter The Poet - Asking; Is It Done Yet?

It takes time to do things correctly, do you only want it finished, or do you want it to work properly; the only real difference is time.

Enter The Poet - Just North Of South

What if, making things better would benefit everyone else, and not you; would you still be for making things better?

Enter The Poet - Known Good, Sometimes Bad; But Never Ugly

We cannot always be what we wish to be, and that may be a good thing; however we should always be aware of what we are.

Enter The Poet - Casting No Shadow Of Doubt

Your current situation may not allow Time for perfection, but it does provide a window to try.

Enter The Poet - Running On The Sun

Sometimes the place, in which you currently stand, can become searing hot and too difficult to reside; that might be the appropriate time to reposition yourself.

Enter The Poet - Visually Accurate

Some pain is preventable, and some pain is anticipated. Differentiate between the two; and  then, prepare for the probable, while avoiding the unnecessary.

Enter The Poet - Not Able To Vex The Day

There is a point which we all reach, where we are too far to turn back, and it's so far to go; it is at this point we either find ourselves or lose it all.

Enter The Poet - Beyond The Common Time

My world is slight and my time is diminutive; I can expand my world, but I cannot meaningfully extend my time.

Enter The Poet - Unregulated

That which you cannot control, does not necessary control you; unless you let it.

Enter The Poet - Appalled and Elated

Things have not yet worked out as planned; but things could have been all together worse.

Enter The Poet - Questions And Held

Each day is magnificent, but often we have neither the imagined time nor presence of mind to dwell within its wonder.

Enter The Poet - In A Whispered Thought

Do great people simply have great thoughts, or do great thoughts simply create great people?

Enter The Poet - Wanting Life To Be Grand

We may not acquire the great things which we deserve, but that does not diminish what we have earned.

Enter The Poet - Lacking Expected Hope

Deep seated fears may not be any fault of your own; but they may be something you must now disown.

Enter The Poet - Oppressed By Concern

The good things we want for others should be expressed as compassion and not as coercion.

Enter The Poet - Annexed But Not Allied

We grasp at answers to questions, which we can barely form, only to come to conclusions, which we can scarcely comprehend.

Enter The Poet - Standing On A Key Principle

Without respect or the thought of it, all else fades into dust.

Enter The Poet - Streaming Rational Thought

We may not seek to control the free will of others in their choices, but we sometimes need to reduce their interference in ours.

Enter The Poet - To A Lesser Degree

If you never address the smaller issues, don't worry; they will become bigger.

Enter The Poet - Blanked Out

Verbal confrontation isn't always prudent; but neither is totally restrained silence.

Enter The Poet - No Silent & Running

We would like to be proud of everything which we do; we really would.

Enter The Poet - Meeting Quota

How much fear does it take to make someone overlook the unacceptable; are you getting your daily quota?

Enter The Poet - Freezing In Warm Weather

Pondering deep sorrows and lost within the clouds; the wind is harsh and the ground is cold.