
Showing posts from November, 2009

Enter The Poet - With People Caring

Monday...The one day which comes too soon.

Enter The Poet - With A List Of Dreams

One day there will be peace on earth; and hopefully humans too.

Enter The Poet - On A Sleepy Saturday

What are Saturdays made of..... Cartoons, movies, naps; and late night snacks.... That's what Saturdays are made of.....

Enter The Poet - Existing For The Vanity

There is no greater waste of vanity, than the incapacity to fully exploit it.

Enter The Poet - Selling Thanks

Let give thanks; that’s what we are told Thanks, for the merchandise, that’s bought and sold

Enter The Poet - In Victorious Defeat

Sometimes, it's the battle which you are presently fighting, that prevents your victory; let it go!

Enter The Poet - Walking Accross The Beam

Once I used to see clear to the top of the mountains; now I can't even see the plateaus.

Enter The Poet - Up At The Opening Of Dawn

Lack of progress can make you tired of yourself, tired of your life, or both.

Enter The Poet - Lacking The Necessary Control

I fear that I have no control; and that, the control which I lack, is in a hand, indifferent to my hopes.

Enter The Poet - Starting A New Game

You can only play and lose so many times; before you realize that you need to play a different game.

Enter The Poet - Into The Thrid Act

Often it only takes a nudge to get moving forward again; but sometimes you may have to change directions.

Enter The Poet - In Dedicated Subsistence

Every moment I subsist, is dedicated, to make the next moment better.

Enter The Poet - With Velvet Roses

Someday you will have the time to have fun; of course, by then, it will be too late.

Enter the Poet - Losing The Faith

You never have to worry about being under valued; there are plenty of people who are eager to take on that task.

Enter The Poet - Selling Out The Show

The more you learn in life; the more you learn to understand your life.

Enter The Poet - Awaiting Acknowledgement

There is no more powerful a truth, as strength gained, from being believed in; by the one you love.

Enter The Poet - In A Brightly Opened Day

Brightly Opened Day The day opens brightly, and clouds are few It is another opportunity to spend time with you Joy I feel from this, brings me great delight Warmth reflected in your eyes; they shine so bright Hold me close; let us embrace this given day Let us cherish these moments, each and every way

Enter The Poet - With A Free Chapter

Time to kill is not a literal statement; at least, it should not be.

Enter The Poet - Being Happy For The Pose

What makes you happy, won't last; but please, enjoy it anyway!

Enter The Poet - Face To Face

The very first, and most important step, in confronting something; is to confront it.

Enter The Poet - Utterly Dismayed

Sometimes talking to the crowd is like talking into a void; many hear, but none take the time to respond.

Enter The Poet - Forgetting The Reserves

Sometimes you can plan for a melee, and help comes unexpectedly; so much so, that the encounter is all together avoided.

Enter The Poet - Running From The Void

We spend almost all of our lives acquiring; money, information, and possessions. What are these things for, and what will they ever amount to?

Enter The Poet - Striping Away The False

It's always better to find a solution rather than complain; but it is also much harder.

Enter The Poet - Hearing Sharply

If the world will not listen to you; then the world is probably deaf to other important things as well.

Enter The Poet - With More

Some discussions are as subtle as a brick wall to the face.

Enter The Poet - From The Left, To The Right

Just knowing that you are doing a good job, isn't always a completely satisfying reward.

Enter The Poet - From Behind The Mirror

Here lies another day of great effort; to have the world see me, for who I truly am.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Walk Away

As the play comes to a close; are the actors happy or sad to have played their parts?

Enter The Poet - Looking At The Glory Of Appreciation

In a daze daily, we live; seeking to be truly revived. And when the tally of our lives is measured; what is it that we will be remembered for?