
Showing posts from September, 2014

Enter The Poet - Over The Moon

Sometimes the day is silent; it opens and closes without a word or without a sound.

Enter The Poet - In The Essence Of Dreams

Dreams are the ingredients of life which keep us going; but without effort and hard work, they will remain merely dreams.

Enter The Poet - In A Bold Attribute

The quickest way to get to where you are going is to start traveling; as soon as possible.

Enter The Poet - Open In The Airwaves

Poignant and specific are the details of our pasts; the affects they have had on our choices are present and particular.

Enter The Poet - Taking The Long Slow Train

Sometimes the journey is far too long, mostly far too hard, but some of us reach that destination we seek; and when we do, we hope that we are not far too tired to enjoy it.

Enter The Poet - Highlighting In Blue

The world is a sad dark place, the bright blue places are few and far apart, and sometimes find these bright places; we find them, share them, and all together watch them fade away.

Enter The Poet - In An Incorrect Space

I am here now, and I would rather be there, before; all I can do is exist now and wonder, instead of existing then, and knowing.

Enter The Poet - Hearing The Whisper

My story has begun and no one is there to speak the words; maybe if I scream, my whisper will be heard. Not every word is for everyone to understand, but those that feel the futility will see the image.

Enter The Poet - Up One Side & Through Another

Dust particles sparkled in the sunlight like daytime stars, and these are not the stars which hold our dreams; perhaps wishing on these swirling points of light would be insane, but maybe not as much as ours lives.

The Poet Enters - Smarter Than A Phone

I always say, that what you put in your phone, you forget; why doesn't that work for bad memories?

Enter The Poet - Above And Before

The world is my oyster; but I really don't like crustaceans.

Enter The Poet - Using Keystrokes, And No Mouse

It is not the one who masters the writing of the words, who holds the power; but the one who understands their meaning, and has the resources to exploit them.

Enter The Poet - With A Fountain Pen

Encrusted in sea salt and battered by the waves, the two of them continued to play in the sand; time had no meaning, and neither did it have an end.

Enter The Poet - Torn From A False Reality

What you believe to be true, may actually be true; at least, with some more work added.

Enter The Poet - Down A Strange Path

Sometimes life goes faster than a speeding bullet; leaving you feeling less powerful, and with no motive.

Enter The Poet - Wanting Tomorrow To Be Pleasant

Profound sorrow will one day become remembered sorrow; but there will be an eternity in-between.

Enter The Poet - Sure To A Point

A person who aids many people, will eventually need time to replenish; or else, when that person is depleted, those who were aided will be depleted as well.

Enter The Poet - Scanning The Directory

I try very hard, not to be overly positive, or overly negative; Life, it seems, does not like the moderate, and always pushes me off the fence.

Enter The Poet - Finally At A Summit

The only one who can truly gauge your accomplishments, is you; how harshly or fairly do you judge?

Enter The Poet - Noteably And Boldly

Walk the path you have chosen, without fear and without strain Wherever it leads, it's ending, will be your loss or your gain

Enter The Poet - Remembering A Question

Most young people desire to be unique and special; but by strict adherence, and without awareness, you may also be choosing to be alone.

Enter The Poet - Lift A Glass To Hope

Blazing a new trail is periodically necessary; following a newly blazed trail, is optional, so you might be traveling alone.

Enter The Poet - Changing Old Concepts

We must trust ourselves, but within normal boundaries; we can't just trust the things we like, and exclude all else.

Enter The Poet - Answering A Call

Sometimes you just need a break; and sometimes you have to make one.

Enter The Poet - Fresh Out Of Containment

If I had the time to do anything, I would simply try to enjoy the time which I had.

Enter The Poet - When The Time Is Appropriate.

Not everyone wants to be liked, because that only means you can tolerate them; many people want and deserve respect, and that is something far more important than tolerance.

Enter The Poet - Really Slow

Some people over-estimate what they know, some people under-estimate what they don't know; and some people simply do both, all of the time.

Enter The Poet - Odd And Meticulous

If no one stands up for the oppressed, or the poor, will they then stand for the rich?

Enter The Poet - Restricted And Impaired

There will be times, when people will say and do the wrong things; there will be consequences for those things.

Enter The Poet - Reading For Fun

How do you face a day, which you would rather avoid; you walk backwards.