
Showing posts from June, 2009

Enter The Poet - Measuring The Acoutics

It's a long journey and there are plenty of large hills and valleys; I haven't a clue about the destination, but I know that I've not arrived yet.

Enter The Poet - Without Competition

They only way a new path gets created, is when someone starts walking off the old one; either by choice, or lack there of.

Enter The Poet - Fearful Without Reason

We may need a reason to hope; but fear requires no justification.

Enter The Poet - Boldly Into The Collapsing Front

The "Future" is never truly comprehended by the dreamer; it is unknown to the explorer, and can only be experienced by the motivated.

Enter The Poet - Scripting The Soloist

The best way to realize a new friend is the passage of time.

Enter The Poet - Directing The Southern Stage

You never know who will brighten your dark night, or grace your evening with song.

Enter The Poet - Hoping To Avoid The Issue

Without difficulties, how is it, that you will be able to determine your proficiency, character, or stamina?

Enter The Poet - Counting The Empty Seats

Who is the audience in the show which is your life? How have they reviewed your performance so far? Is the best yet to come? Will they desire an encore?

Enter The Poet - Securing the Safe Deposit Box

Many people spend their whole life looking for security; they will never find it. Nothing is truly secure; most things are only reliable, dependable, or maybe reasonably safe. If you seek those items, you may find them, and often; some may last, long enough, for a lifetime.

Enter The Poet - Yelling Cut

Weekends are the pause buttons in my life.

Enter The Poet - Futher Down Than Up

When I was young, I believed that the sky went on for infinity, and that, there was a boundary to how low you could fall. For me, that meant that there were no limits to happiness, but a definitive depth to sorrow. It seems, that I was somewhat correct about up; yet incredibly wrong about down.

Enter The Poet - Checking The Repair Bill

It may rain on both the just and unjust; but the unjust stole my umbrella, and are charging me to get it back.

Enter The Poet - Consulting Wardrobe

Sometimes if you wait for the other shoe to drop, it just might drop on you.

Enter The Poet - Putting Off Breathing

Some things can be averted; while others can only be prolonged or delayed.

Enter The Poet - Concerned For The Script

It's better to carefully express, than to anxiously stress.

Enter The Poet - A Little Bitter-Sweet

If you had total control of your fate, would this place have been your destination?

Enter The Poet - Planning The Stage Play

Plans made cautiously and exacting, can easily be broken by events careless and imprecise.

Enter The Poet - Dawning With The Day

Rise to the day, or fall to the night; it's not a choice, it's a reality.

Enter The Poet - In Light Of The Pain

Without hurt, and without pain there would be no way to acknowledge or appreciate, health nor happiness. Of course this statement, in no way implies, that I look forward to them.

Enter The Poet - Bringing The Day

Some days are just too quiet and some days are just too loud to be heard.

Enter The Poet - Seeking A Master Schedule

If we set neither a goal nor a purpose, we are not living our life; we are simply existing. Often I find myself doing more existing, than living.

Enter The Poet - Respectfully Yours

Do you need to give respect to people you don't think deserve it? How does "one", prove, that they deserve respect? Do you deserve respect based on those same rules?

Enter The Poet - Seeking Air To Breathe

The day is dawning and morning has broken...... ...umm...who do we call to fix it?

Enter The Poet - Gardening With Gloves

When you are completely unsure what it is you should do; what you can do is, weed out what you should not do.

Enter The Poet - At An End To Things

The future can become the present so fast that you can sometimes catch yourself in the past.

Enter The Poet - Slowly & Carefully

Let's always hope that we are busy because we want to be, and not because we have to be.

Enter The Poet - With Sorrow For The Unwise

Injustice breeds resentment....... Resentment breeds conflict....... Conflict benefits no one.......

Enter The Poet - Checking The Fire Exits

In a world which seems to be on fire with conflict; its heartbreaking there appears to be more people adding fuel to the flames, than people volunteering to extinguish them.

Enter The Poet - Dreaming In The Daylight

Which is more depressing, a rainy day or an empty wallet? All I can say is, that a sunny day can be dampened by an empty wallet; but I don't think I would be bothered by rain with a pocket full of money.

Enter The Poet - Helping The Understudy

Sometimes danger comes from exactly where expected, and help can sometimes come from places unsuspected.