
Showing posts from June, 2023

Enter The Poet - Sharing A Good Day

Every so often you can get what you have been seeking; and sometimes, it's as good as you wanted.

Enter The Poet - Within The Chaos

Sometimes you may find yourself surrounded in chaos; other times, you may find yourself within the chaos.

Enter The Poet - Slightly Different

Each day is different from the day before, even though they all start exactly the same; each person is different as well, just give them room to unfold.

Enter The Poet - Engaging In Deep Thought

I don't need to echo everyone else's thought and ideas; I have a brain, just show me the facts.

Enter The Poet - Filling The Day With Purpose

Everything we do isn't always important; but, maybe how we do it, is always important.

Enter The Poet - Not Ready For Hate Nor Anger

There are more conversations going on, than all prior centuries combined; and never has it been more useless and unproductive.

Enter The Poet - Prepared For Conflict

 We don't always have to fight about things which we disagree; but it always seems to be the preferred choice.

Enter The Poet - Wanting A Brighter Day

Every decision we make leads down a mostly expected, but unknowable path; I just want to make the decisions which lead me down a less rocky road.

Enter The Poet - One Idea At A Time

I have come to realize that I am unable to change the world; or, maybe just the people, which I am unable to reach.

Enter The Poet - Holding Back Time

I cannot stop time for moving forward, but I can definitely stop looking back.

Enter The Poet - Unsure About The Rain

Sometimes it's difficult to determine the course of the day; however, it's more likely not the direction you may want, nor expect.

Enter The Poet - Moving On

Acknowledging the past allows you to move on and can help you grow; denying the past, simply leaves you stuck in it.

Enter The Poet - Without A Clear Option

I could either be sad, or I could be happy; I just don't know which series of choices and decisions, that will lead me down either path.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Destiny or A Map

There are times when I find it very difficult to determine the direction I should be traveling; I often think that it would be much easier, if I had a destination.

Enter The Poet - Finding & Keeping

I will keep and hold all of the promises which you make to me; but, first I must know which ones truly matter to you.

Enter The Poet - Seen & Heard

Doing the things which truly matter can be scary; but, how else can you show courage.

Enter The Poet - Considering The Enemy

The most dominant adversary, which we will ever face, is ourselves, but destroying this villain will not help us; we might need to find a peaceful resolution to hostilities.

Enter The Poet - With Some Aid

Our dreams can often seem far beyond our reach; maybe with help, we can grasp them.

Enter The Poet - Looking Very Brave

Most of us do everything within our power to protect ourselves from being hurt; we will not always succeed.

Enter The Poet - Building The Way

Some days you may have to find your path to contentment; and some days you may have to build your own path.

Enter The Poet - Into The Quiet

Sometimes our thoughts are so big, that they need space to grow; and a mind willing to embrace them.

Enter The Poet - Dancing For The Wind

Sometimes things are exactly how they seem to be; until they are not.

Enter The Poet - Reaching Without Fear

Sometimes your unrealistic fears make your real fears come true.

Enter The Poet - Living A Reality

Today can be a tremendous day, for both me and you; The air is sweet, the sun is warm, and the sky is blue.

Enter The Poet - Showing & Telling

A person does not truly know how much you care, until you actually tell them; you may need to show it as well.

Enter The Poet - Working Things Out

Everything works out the way it's supposed to; that's what you say to yourself, when you don't have a clue.

Enter The Poet - Maybe Somewhat Surprised

Surprises happen all of the time; you just can't stand the ones which you don't like.

Enter The Poet - Watching Time Fly By

For what reason, can we not truly appreciate the people we care about, when they are sharing time with us?

Enter The Poet - Picking The Better Day

Some days start off pretty badly, and continue that way until it's end; while other days, more than make up for the pain and sorrow.

Enter The Poet - Doing The Steps

Sometimes the best that you can do, isn't good enough for some people; that does not mean that they can do any better.