
Showing posts from October, 2021

Enter The Poet - On A Quiet Dark Night

The night is warm but there is a chill in the air. We put on a brave face; yet we are all quite aware. Fright and horror are just around every little bend. Every new step, is a beginning, or maybe the end.   In a little while everything will be just fine, and safe. We just need to hold on, until we arrive at that place.

Enter The Poet - On The Other Foot

When provided a chance, everyone provides for their family. When the opportunity is yours, you are called selfish; what's the difference?

Enter The Poet - Here & Gone

Most of the time, we are, where we are physically located; but, every so often, some of us, are located in a totally separate reality.

Enter The Poet - With A Charge Account

All decisions have a cost; let's just hope that we can always afford the price.

Enter The Poet - Living For The Reality

Fun shouldn't be a dream; however, neither should stress, suffering, and pain be the reality.

Enter The Poet - Pushing A Little Hope

If everyone had a real idea about what life could be, maybe more people would seek that goal; or, stop blocking the path.

Enter The Poet - Rising In Light

The only way to become triumphant in epic battle, you have to be willing to fight that battle. Just be aware of the shadow of epic defeat; is this the battle that you need to be in?

Enter The Poet - In An Unexpected Blur

There should be a place where you are recognized, for who you are, and your talents. But I seems to live in a reality, which can offer no more, than shallow compliments.

Enter The Poet - Pushing Back On Nice Feelings

You can't control and manipulate everyone you meet; unless you are very, very persistent.

Enter The Poet - In A Conclusion

So, will you speak for me; because, I have no voice? I have the freedom to express my thoughts, but I have no stage. You can share your platform; you are a person who has that choice.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Actual Acknowledgement

Will you speak for me? I have ideas I wish to share; a hope to be understood. Having no voice, is like being a visitor in your own house, with no power or option. I frequently feel that this imbalance is unfair and can’t truly be of any good.

Enter The Poet - Waving An Upraised Hand

Will you speak for me; my words, seem to hold no importance? Stars, politicians, people of money, or popular colleges, are always heard. But often, those who have the skills, experience, and facts, don’t have the chance.

Enter The Poet - Reaching For A Concerned Ear

Will you speak for me; because, I am unheard? No one beckons me to express my knowledge or understanding. There are even those, who feel my existence is absurd.

Enter The Poet - With The First of 5 Verses

Will you speak for me; because, I have no voice? I have the freedom to express my thoughts, but I have no stage. Your sound is more requested than mine, you are a person of choice.

Enter The Poet - Without Collateralized Debt Obligations

It is very common to be uncommon in a very standard life; yet, very uncommon to understand why your standard life should not be so standard.

Enter The Poet - Paused On A Ledge

Frequently, you never really know where you should be at that moment, until you are actually there.

Enter The Poet - Without Any Knowledge

Each day I strive to obtain an understanding Yet, most days I feel like I am grandstanding

Enter The Poet - Considering A Consideration

Most people don't like to consider the opinions of others; but problems begin when you start considering the actual facts.

Enter The Poet - Balanced In Expectations

I don't always expect bad things to happen, nor do I always expect great things to happen; I just expect things to happen, and for me to have the option to determine whether these events are bad or pleasant.

The Poet Enters - With Time For Nothing

Sometimes, it's just nice to have enough time, just to do nothing.

Enter The Poet - Moving The Spotlight

You are not going to be right all of the time; just don't make it so obvious.

Enter The Poet - Looking For A Moment of Conviviality

Everything can't be bad, all of the time; but, there always seem to be that effort.

Enter The Poet - In A Moment of Hygge

 I never know, what is yet to come; but in this moment, I would like to enjoy the comfort.

Enter The Poet - With Concern For Lost Moments

We all look back to the moments that have passed in our lives; some of us get warm feelings, while others just get neck pains.

Enter The Poet - Shifting Postcards of Time

Maybe I don't want to change all of the past events in my life; just some of the people in it.

Enter The Poet - Somewhere Closer To Here

We are frequently a mystery to our friends and family; are we often an enigma to ourselves?

Enter The Poet - Rebuilding From Sand

We all need our friends, people who are by our sides; do we often find ourselves worthy of the company?

Enter The Poet - Straddling The Day

The day goes by, and sometimes I don't feel like engaging; but, neither do I wish to be overwhelmed by it.

Enter The Poet - Losing The Sensation

Often, I am sad for so long, that I wonder if I even remember how to be happy.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Big Words

Most of the time, I am not waiting to hear the right words; I am simply waiting for the right actions.

Enter The Poet - With Poorly Realized Ideas

The plan is always to have a good day; the problem is always in the engagement.

Enter The Poet - With Broken Aspirations

If the measure of the week, is making it to the end, then it may not have been a week worth measuring.