
Showing posts from August, 2011

Enter The Poet - Writing Poorly

Sometimes, a dream can merely be a forsaken reality.

Enter The Poet - With A Mechanism

Understand who you are, in as many ways as you are able; without this knowledge, you are truly lost.

Enter The Poet - Seeking Water

Often, it's up to you, to find what you need to live; and use it.

Enter The Poet - Recognizing The Sorrow

Sometimes the sorrow is the only thing which seems real; it's not.

Enter The Poet - Driving Through The Evening

You must find a motivating personal code in life; for you, it may hold all the keys.

Enter The Poet - Native To The City

Never forget where you are from, it may not be where you are; but it is where you are from.

Enter The Poet - Hearing The Rain

Often we see the rain, and forget the flowers.

Enter The Poet - Making Butter Cookies

Some times before you can eat; you have to be the one doing the cooking.

Enter The Poet - Giving Too Much Too Late

Give what you can, when you can; but don't be stupid.

Enter The Poet - Leaving The Table

Do not be greedy at the table of opportunity; just get what you need.

Enter The Poet - Going To The Park

All I ever wanted, was to be happy; and now I don't truly understand the concept.

Enter The Poet - Coming From LA

You can never come back, from where you have never been.

Enter The Poet - Home From Work

We all need a sanctuary, but there is none from yourself; except insanity.

Enter The Poet - Reaching The Outer Limits

You will never test any limits, if you do not try to reach them.

Enter The Poet - Painting The Van

Why worry about the paint, when the engine doesn't work?

Enter The Poet - Washing A Dirty Car

Let the car get dirty, and wash it when you can.

Enter The Poet - Drinking Cool Water

If your train does not come in, you might want to consider a bus; just get there.

Enter The Poet - Stirring Up The Power

Sometimes to be relevant you must exceed even your own expected abilities.

Enter The Poet - Packing For Vacation

If you do not put enough effort into achieving what it is you that are trying to accomplish, than your all effort may be in vain.

Enter The Poet - After The Spring

Do not be distracted too long on needless things; or you may find yourself obsolete.

Enter The Poet - Beyond The Borders

To learn the true limits of your boundaries, you must first explore them.

Enter The Poet - Trying To Clear A Point

Before anyone can understand what you are trying to say; you must first understand it yourself.

Enter The Poet - Making Soup

When you are hungry, do something to solve the issue.

Enter The Poet - Reading The Logos

If you don't read the signs, you will always find yourself in the wrong places.

Enter The Poet - Down Parallel Corridors

I know where I have been, and I know where I want to be; I am now trying to bridge the gap.

Enter The Poet - Exceeding The Limit

When is good enough, enough?   Never; it can only be temporary.

Enter The Poet - Drinking Mocha Coffee

Relax when you can; for one day, you may not have a choice, or an opportunity.

Enter The Poet - Flicking The Light

Sometimes you are the sleeper, sometimes you are the sentry; but we all have a part to play.

Enter The Poet - Restocking The Frig

You have to do, what you have to do; certain things simply must be done.

Enter The Poet - Sending A Text

No one has the whole game plan; it's all play by play.

Enter The Poet - Swimming In The Rain

Do others have to be wrong, for you to be right; what if, you are both right?