
Showing posts from March, 2006

Enter The Poet - Holding A Cloud

Inbetween fantasy and reality...."Life" Happens!

Enter The Poet - Alone With Himself

To love and to be loved is such a small matter, but it's great!

Enter The Poet - With A Body Rub

Never do unkind things to your body; it "will" remember them when you are older!

Enter The Poet - Wearing Humility

A series of seemingly small tasks, all required at the time, is a large task!

Enter The Poet - From The Basketball Court

Don't argue sooo hard, that you miss the point!

Enter The Poet - After A Seminar On Life

It's not that I don't know what to say. I just don't know how to say you!

Enter The Poet - Surrounded By A Colorful Room

Have you ever noticed that you don't ever need a person until you have made them upset at you?

Enter The Poet - Into A Bazaar

Yesterday I was watching a series of misfortunate events; most people call it " The Evening News "!

Enter The Poet - Into A Dark & Quiet Room

We all know that the answer is in " WHY "!

Enter The Poet - Into A Busy Street

Here's a little secret which can help you improve your patience. ...oops ...hold on a sec...

Enter The Poet - Typing Badly

To learn how to keep friends is to learn how to be one!

Enter The Poet - Buying Walking Shoes

Strength in character leads to strength in life!

Enter The Poet - With The Square Root

The sum of life is made up of the things you do, the things you don't, the things you take for granted, and the things you can't control! I hate word problems!

Enter The Poet - With Old Equipment

Don't expect life to be easy; it's not!

Enter The Poet - With An Inner Tube

Most things can be done more than one way; but only one way at a time!

Enter The Poet - On The Replay

It's been said... Never break a promise or turn your back on a friend! I say... Never break a friend or turn your back on a promise! Funny how it works both ways!

Enter The Poet - Picking The Font

Lonely days are never planned; only days to be alone.

Enter The Poet - Standing On The Neck Of Truth

Don't lie to yourself; about how you feel, what you think, or what you know! You may be your harshest judge, but you are your best ally!

Enter The Poet - Formatting An Idea

Things ARE harder than they appear; otherwise you would be doing it instead of watching!

Enter The Poet - In A whirlwind of Concept

Write down your memories and dreams! When you look back, you will have some facts to back up your fantasies!

Enter The Poet - Riding A Rocket

I think, but noone can know! I speak, but none will listen. I feel, but none can understand. I cry, but none can hear. I write; but will someone read?

Enter The Poet - Holding The Bag

FRIDAY - Comes every week; but never fast enough when you are overworked, and too fast when you are having fun!

Enter The Poet - Editing A Newsletter

Most people will never know that you have lived, until they have read in the papers that you have died! So if you do anything in life, make it positive and noteworthy!

Enter The Poet - Holding A Battle Axe

Knowledge is an excellent weapon and a powerful resource! Don't leave home without it!

Enter The Poet - With An Un-Cola

You can stall all you want, as long as you don't believe that stalling is keeping time from moving forward!

Enter The Poet - Exchanging A Book

Someone told me not to be sad, today was a brand new day; well so was yesterday!

Enter The Poet - With A French Accent

Heard too often: It's not my fault! It's not my fault! Oops, my bad, it is my fault!

Enter The Poet - Reading A Business Card

Why is it that you are never really hungry until someone starts talking about food and you are on a diet?

Enter The Poet - Drinking Sweet Green Tea

Often I have wondered if it was possible for people to be nice to each other; then I wake up!

Enter The Poet - Looking At The Headlines

Picking between two bad decisions is not freedom of choice!

Enter The Poet - With A Sharpie

Sometimes life marks you up, but sometimes the marks are in the right places!