
Showing posts from July, 2019

Enter The Poet - Sending A SMS

Frequently people only see me as my job; but, my job is only what I do, it's not what I am.

Enter the Poet - Unresolved

We always seem to want the answer to it all. We seek to rise to the occasion, and seem to fall.   Do we truly understand the question we state? Maybe knowing the answer is just not our fate.

Enter The Poet - Lifted

Each day has it's own plan; sometimes I just need to let it unfold.

Enter The Post - Patiently Waiting

I always try to enjoy the fun; that's if it is available, and as long as it lasts.

Enter The Poet - Every Other Opportunity

I never know why people are unkind; but that has never stopped them from being such.

Enter The Poet - Wary Of The Time

Time passes and it is unconsidered, until it is no longer redeemable.

Enter The Poet - Within A Smile

Everything's not ok; but maybe you can change that.

Enter The Poet - Unable To Comply Any More

I could be perfectly happy; that's if I were perfect and happy.

Enter The Poet - Under Pale Sunlight

Sometimes I can see it all; I just don't know what it is that I am seeing all of.

Enter The Poet - In A Daze

I am trying to understand, that which I need to do, while trying to determine what it is, and how I should do it.

Enter The Poet - Being Prepared

I am always ready to be more than I am; just as soon as I figure that out.

Enter The Poet - Into The Illusion

I am trying to understand the essence of being; being what, is the real question.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Bliss

You can't find something until you truly understand what it is; I might not ever find anything.

Enter The Poet - Relieved Of Stress

Some people can make your life so much easier; and I think they know it.

Enter The Poet - Reckless & Tired

You can't always follow the wind; neither can you always contend with it.

Enter The Poet - Feeling Right As Rain

You are allowed to have a good day; have a couple of them.

Enter The Poet - Unpredictably

The funny thing about expectations, is that no matter how you feel they should be, they just don't care.

Enter The Poet - Meeting A New Ally

You should get acquainted with success; it is a very good friend to have.

Enter The Poet - Elevated To Center Stage

Sometimes you are in the spotlight, and you deserve it; enjoy the reality of the moment.

Enter The Poet - Outsourcing The Motive

Mostly, I am in the right place; but, often it's at the incorrect time.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Completed Dreams

Real-life dreams only happen proactively.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Consensus

Some problems are bigger than they should ever become; I hope someone agrees.

Enter The Poet - Behind The Wall

Sometimes the wall is there to protect, and sometimes it's there to hide; frequently it's both.

Enter The Poet - Measuring The Distance

Sometimes the day does not last as long as expected; often it's much shorter.

Enter The Poet - At The Very Start

Some parts we play come when we don't expect them; we really must be missing our cues.

Enter The Poet - Lasting To The End

Some parts we play last longer than expected; but that only means that you have expectations.

Enter The Poet - Present Without Cause

There are times when you are really needed; it would be great to know those times before they happen.

Enter The Poet - Having Done Service

It is always a good feeling to be a contributor to that which you celebrate.

Enter The Poet - Without Hope Of A Remake

Everything I do is not always perfect; except for my mistakes.

Enter the Poet - Under Obvious Pretense

Everyone always looks up to you; it's lucky you got those platform shoes.

Enter The Poet - Into Blatant Disrespect

Monday is always a good day; until the alarm clock goes off.