
Showing posts from October, 2010

Enter The Poet - Manning The Harpoon

You never know how deep the water is, until you jump in; and then, it's either great, or too late.

Enter The Poet - Standing On The Side

I would heed the writing on the wall; if I understood the language.

Enter The Poet - Doing The Driving

It would be nice to be wanted, just to be wanted; instead of being wanted, only because you are needed.

Enter The Poet - Without A Performance

Times only moves when you want it to stop.

Enter The Poet - Writing In Pen

Sometimes it's not how many people notice your accomplishments; sometimes it just has to be the right ones.

Enter The Poet - Missing

Sometimes the sorrow is so vast, that I have to send out a search party to find good news.

Enter The Poet - Searching For Self

Is the purpose of life to reach a specific destination, or to enjoy the moments along the way?

Enter The Poet - Loving The Respect

I will have either love or respect; but I refuse to live without both.

Enter The Poet - With That Fast Car

We took that fast car and drove to other states, but soon learned that we could never travel beyond ourselves.

Enter The Poet - Gazing Into The Lagoon Of Stars

Maybe it's not that the universe is so big; maybe it's because we're just so small.

Enter The Poet - With Unaltered Time

The clock and the calendar; both neither friend, nor foe.

Enter The Poet - Looking For Proof Of Life

A love which disappears can be said to have never existed.

Enter The Poet - Managing The Quest

Can someone play the song for me; I tire of playing it for myself.

Enter The Poet - Taunting Ambition

Tell me the path to bliss, and I will reach it; I have a great sense of direction.

Enter The Poet - Being Everything & More

Hold me close, this may be your last chance; unless you know the future.

Enter The Poet - Asking For More

I do what I am supposed to do, and sometimes more; yet receive less than I reason, or deserve.

Enter The Poet - Finding & Losing

Sometimes I want my weekend to be more than just the end of another week.

Enter The Poet - Knowing The Things You Do

Do you treat people how you would want to be treated; or don't you even think about it?

Enter The Poet - Loving, But Not Liking

Wish your friends well; if they are good friends, they deserve it.

Enter The Poet - Holding The Golden Ticket

Having knowledge of the current technology will make you finite; comprehension of how to gain knowledge will make you infinite.

Enter The Poet - With A Copyright

Is it that the vernacular is too profound or your perception too inconsequential to comprehend?

Enter The Poet - So Far Away

I would go back home; if I knew where to look to find it.

Enter The Poet - Saving The Hero

I have had my pleasure, and it was everything I hoped it would be; I continue to dream.

Enter The Poet - Replacing The Incandescent Lights

Mutual consent is an interesting dilemma; when is it mutual, and when do I get consent.

Enter The Poet - Into The Traveling Sun

Just because things are bad, that doesn't mean that they will someday get better; on their own.

Enter The Poet - Calculating The Time

The only thing you need to make the best of an opportunity is for it to really exist.

Enter The Poet - Hoping For A Victory

There's nothing like being head over heels, in love; with the exception of staying that way.

Enter The Poet - Drumming The Answer

Happiness has to come from your satisfaction with your own life; no one, or no thing external, can put contentment within you.

Enter The Poet - Stating The Truth, In Contradiction

You know, I may be crazy; but I'm the only one sane.

Enter The Poet - Requesting The Possible

I just need and want to be loved; that's easy enough, right?

Enter The Poet - Playing Fetch

If I throw an idea out into the universe, then I must be expecting fate to retrieve it.